Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mitt Romney & Ann Coulter on the 'O'Reilly Factor' (FULL VIDEOS 02-29-12)

Mitt Romney & Ann Coulter on the 'O'Reilly Factor'

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Pundits On Romney

Chris Matthews on Romney Victory Speech: "Lacked soul, was a business proposition".

PN: We already have a soul man singing Al Green and B.B. King in the White House. I'm thrilled about the prospect of having a businessman as president. Great speeches don't fix problems. It's high time we let a professional problem solver fix the nation and economy.

Eugene Robinson On Romney: "There is no magic in his words".

PN: We don't need magic! We need math. We don't need a sleight of hand magician to distract the masses. We need a hard hitting accountant type with a calculator to put the country back to work. Enter Mitt.

PN: Defeated President Barack Obama won't be mocking Romney's narrow victory in November.

Anne Coulter: "I think we have had enough of hip. Hip has nearly wrecked the country. Let's try square for a while."

PN: Agreed!

Step back from election politics and ask yourself the following hypothetical question: If I had to trust my children's college tuition (inheritance if you think college is too "snobbish" like Santorum) to one of the contenders, who would I trust to make the most of it? Santorum, Gingrich, Paul, Obama, or Romney? I would invest my kids money and future with the most consistent and successful one of the bunch. Gingrich might spend your kid's money on moon bases or his love of country i.e. girls. Santorum will possibly throw it at the bridge to nowhere and borrow on top of it. Paul will trade it in for gold which could go either way. Obama will invest it based on ideology and green techs like Solindra. Romney on the other hand is the only candidate that has discipline, consistency, and successful experience in business. I'd mortgage the house to invest with Romney to which he would wisely counsel, "never borrow against your house to invest." Let's get the financial guy to steer the helm for a while and get our credit back, our jobs back, our deficit down, and our taxes lowered. Our kids will thank us for it.

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Candidate Spoilsport Santorum

While graciously telephoning and congratulating Mitt Romney for his wins and after giving a gracious concession speech, Rick Santorum is trying to take back all his graciousness by declaring Michigan a draw today. Citing anecdotal information the Santorum campaign claims that the delegates will be divided evenly and we should "move it from a win for Mitt Romney to a tie race".

Several points;

1) If it's just about delegates let's look at the tally last night: Mitt 44 Rick 15 (at best)

2) If the President and Rick had not begged Democrats to come out against Mitt he would have won by eight points and presumedly would have garnered more delegates still.

3) What kind of impression does Rick want to give? Sounds like a whiner and a spoilsport since he conceded and is now going back on his concession. Smacks of pride. Presidential?

4) Who cares about Michigan today? Everyone but Rick is looking forward. It's a repeat of the aftermath of his humiliating loss at the CNN debate in Arizona when he tried to convince the world of a conspiracy between Romney and Paul. Turns out that Paul just really dislikes him.

Following the trend in Michigan and accounting for the fallout from the desperate act of courting Obama Democrats, if the election were held today or tomorrow the victory would have been a landslide as it was in Arizona in Mitt's favor. So let's cut the bull. No one is buying it.

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Romney Commits Another Truth "Gaffe"

Did you catch this accidental moment of sincerity?
You know, it's very easy to excite the base with incendiary comments. We've seen throughout the campaign if you're willing to say really outrageous things that are accusative, attacking of President Obama, that you're going to jump up in the polls. I'm not willing to light my hair on fire to try and get support. I am who I am.
Oops. Rewind. John McCormack of the Weekly Standard was flabbergasted. "Does he really think the majority of Republican voters are motivated by angry rhetoric?"

Well, yes, John. That's precisely what Romney believes and for good reason. That is why he, himself, partakes in the Obama smackdown quite often. He even entitled his book on the perception that Obama has somehow apologized for America. Romney will never be one of them, so the best he can do is give the base a steady diet of the kind of rhetoric that fuels their fire. 

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Thoughts on concession speeches

Just a short blog post.

First, I only really listened to Santorum's and Romney's speech. Both of which I found excellent! Santorum made a lot of very good points, clarified the direction he would like to take the country if he were elected, and, most importantly, directed his barbs at the right person - Obama. If he were to keep up this rhetoric and discontinue his idiotic calls to Democrats to bring Romney down (instead of intelligently calling on Democrats to vote for himself as a leader who could get things done), then Santorum could rise to my number 2 choice again. I give Santorum a LOT of credit for focusing on the correct opponent in his speech last night, for having a positive and upbeat speech. He wasn't bitter, angry, and didn't send any barbs at Romney, Gingrich, or Paul. I also credit Santorum for graciously (and very briefly) calling Romney with a congratulations call.

Romney's speech was also excellent. It was his 2nd best speech to date. Romney's Florida speech was the best, in my opinion, so far. His NH speech is a close 3rd. His speech included all of the talking points and rhetoric he has included in his campaign stump speeches so far. He also focused his barbs on the correct opponent, Obama. He remains my #1, far ahead of his competitors for a myriad of reasons.

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Cartoon of the Day

Boston Herald (Holbert Cartoon)

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Rasmussen Daily Tracking: Only Romney ahead of Obama nationally


Mitt Romney 45% (+1)
Barack Obama 44%

Barack Obama 46%
Rick Santorum 43% (-3)
A survey of 1,500 likely voters was conducted February 26-28, 2012. The MOE is +/-3%.
The full story is HERE.

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Quinnipiac Poll: Romney leading the GOP by 14 Points in NEW JERSEY

GOP Nomination:

Mitt Romney 38%
Rick Santorum 24%
Ron Paul 12%
Newt Gingrich 9%
Someone else (vol.) 2%
Wouldn't vote (vol.) 4%
Don't know 11% 


Barack Obama 49%
Mitt Romney 39% (-10)

Barack Obama 52%
Rick Santorum 34% (-18)

Barack Obama 55%
Newt Gingrich 30% (-25)

A Survey of 1,396 registered voters, including a subsample of 446 registered Republicans, was conducted February 21-27, 2012. The MOE is +/-2.6% among all registered voters and +/-4.6% among registered Republicans.
The full story is HERE.

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Gallup Daily Tracking Poll: Romney now leading Santorum nationally by 5 Points

The full story is HERE.
View the full trends in an Excel file HERE.

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Below is a schedule of the GOP candidates activities for today. More than likely, one or more of the feeds below will cover the event(s), although, that is not always the case.

So look at the schedule below and CHECK BACK at that time of the event you'd like to view. Then click the different feed button(s) under the schedule and HOPEFULLY you will be able to view the event(s)(subject to the news media covering it).

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

LIVE FEEDS Today: MICHIGAN & ARIZONA Primaries (Open Thread)


If you missed the candidates primary night speeches, I got them HERE. Enjoy!


I thought it would be a good idea to post as many live sources to today's MICHIGAN & ARIZONA Primaries as possible. Especially since many don't have cable access to some of these networks.

Not all the links below will be covering the primaries continuously so you will probably need to click on different ones throughout the day.

I am also hoping to have Fox News or CNN embedded here as well as an additional source beginning at 6:00 PM EST.


MR&C/RSC Poll: Romney with slight lead in Michigan

GOP Nomination:

Mitt Romney 37%
Rick Santorum 36%
Newt Gingrich 9%
Ron Paul 9%
Undecided 10%
A survey of 781 likely Michigan Republican primary voters was conducted February 27, 2012. The MOE is +/-3.51%.

The full story is HERE.

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Obama Democrats for Santorum

While Romney touts many big and small endorsements from fellow Republicans, Santorum is relying on the Democrat's biggest hitters in the Michigan primary. Axelrod, Obama, and Emanuel have even gone as far as spending valuable campaign funds to get the vote out for Santorum. If Santorum wins he will owe his victory to these men and the Democrats. As Santorum has explained to all of us little people: All political favors are tit for tat. Surely they will call in the favor this fall should Santorum trick his way into the nomination.

Rick Santorum has slithered rather than stooped to a new low by courting Obama Democrats to vote against Mitt Romney in the Michigan primary that is open to all registered voters. The former Pennsylvania senator hopes, as does Barack Obama and David Axelrod, that a strong showing by the Democrats will put him ahead in the heavily contested state to slow down and damage the Mitt Romney campaign.

The President is in fact showing his hand for all the GOP to see. He would like nothing better than to run against Senator Santorum who has clearly shown his vulnerabilities and weaknesses over the last several weeks. His lack of preparation for prime time and his sometimes indefensible arguments coupled with his atrocious voting record has wetted the appetite of the President and his cohorts for a easy win this November and the Democrats have moved to action against the more competent and prepared Mitt Romney. Should the investment of President Obama and Rick Santorum pay off in a big Democrat turnout in Michigan the race will certainly be jolted but will Republicans allow Obama Democrats and David Axelrod to shape the GOP primary? Should the Santorum-Democrat plan avail in Michigan, Santorum will surely be rejected in upcoming primaries once republican faithfuls realize that the President and his party were in fact the winning factor. Again, this is only if the Santorum-Obama trick should prevail.
Santorum himself said that sometimes he voted for bills that were against his principles and beliefs. Now one has to ask, Does he have any principles? What we can take from this recent dirty trick from Mr. Santorum is that the man has been blinded by ambition and left his conscience and judgment somewhere between Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania. We suggest that he looks for it before attempting to assume the mantle of the Republican nominee for President of the United States of America. More than likely he will have to buy it back from whoever or whatever he sold it to. Unfortunately for him he no longer has the currency he used to make the transaction i.e.; Votes and American tax dollars. Regardless of the outcome in Michigan, Rick Santorum has once and for all permanently damaged his reputation and has fully embraced his most abrasive defining characteristic: The Quintessential Politician.

Interestingly, the message, besides being brought to us by Santorum and "hard working Democrats" does leave out the fact that Santorum was opposed to the Detroit car bailout as well. Inconsistency in the message is as blatant as the inconsistency of the candidate.

Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum on the Sean Hannity Show as Santorum sinks to a new low in GOP Politics! (VIDEO 02-27-12)

Romney responds to Santorum's robocall in Michigan:

Santorum embarrasses himself by trying to justify his robocall TO DEMOCRATS by pointing out Romney's ad using his endorsement of Romney in 2008:

ASKING DEMOCRATS to sway the wishes of the party he claims he wants to represent. Santorum just demonstrated tonight that he is a total SLEAZEBALL and an embarrassment to former, present, and future GOP candidates for President!

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Below is a schedule of the GOP candidates activities for today. More than likely, one or more of the feeds below will cover the event(s), although, that is not always the case.

So look at the schedule below and CHECK BACK at that time of the event you'd like to view. Then click the different feed button(s) under the schedule and HOPEFULLY you will be able to view the event(s)(subject to the news media covering it).

Gallup Daily Tracking Poll: Romney now leading Santorum nationally by 4 Points

The full story is HERE.
View the full trends in an Excel file HERE.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Mitt Romney rally at the Royal Oak Music Theatre in Royal Oak, Michigan (FULL VIDEO 02-27-12)

Mitt Romney was at the Royal Oak Music Theatre in Royal Oak, Michigan to rally his supporters. Joining him was Michigan Governor Rick Snyder and a surprise appearance by entertainer Kid Rock and his band:

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Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll: Only Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are beating Obama


Mitt Romney 45% (+2)
Barack Obama 43& 

Ron Paul 43% (+2)
Barack Obama 41%

Barack Obama 45%
Rick Santorum 43% (-2)

Barack Obama 49%
Newt Gingrich 39% (-10)
A survey of 1,500 likely voters was conducted February 24-26, 2012. The margin of error is +/- 3 percentage points.
The full story is HERE.

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Mitt Romney Town Hall in Kalamazoo, Michigan (FULL VIDEO 02-24-12)

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PPP Michigan: Romney leading the GOP by 17 Points in ARIZONA

GOP Nomination: (Previous results from Feb 21

Mitt Romney 43% (36%)
Rick Santorum 26% (33%)
Newt Gingrich 18% (16%)
Ron Paul 11% (9%)
Someone else/Not sure 1% (7%)
A survey of 515 likely Republican primary voters was conducted February 26, 2012. The margin of error is +/-4.3%
The crosstabs can be viewed HERE.

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We Ask America Poll: Romney leading by 16 Points in ARIZONA

GOP Nomination: (Previous results from Feb 21)

Mitt Romney 42.66% (37%)
Rick Santorum 26.54% (27%)
Newt Gingrich 20.65% (15%)
Ron Paul 10.15% (8%)
A survey of 1,162 likely Republican primary voters was conducted February 26, 2012. The MOE is +/- 2.87%.

The full story is HERE.

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We Ask America Poll: Romney leading by 4 Points in MICHIGAN

GOP Nomination: (Previous results from Feb 21)

Mitt Romney 36.85% (29%)
Rick Santorum 32.53% (29%)
Ron Paul 18.08% (12%)
Newt Gingrich 12.53% (10%)
Survey of 984 likely primary voters was conducted February 26, 2012. The MOE is +/- 3.12%.
The full story is HERE.

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Gallup Daily Tracking Poll: Romney now leading Santorum nationally

The full story is HERE.
View the full trends in an Excel file HERE.

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Below is a schedule of the GOP candidates activities for today. More than likely, one or more of the feeds below will cover the event(s), although, that is not always the case.

So look at the schedule below and CHECK BACK at that time of the event you'd like to view. Then click the different feed button(s) under the schedule and HOPEFULLY you will be able to view the event(s)(subject to the news media covering it).

Chris Christie talks Mitt Romney on 'Face The Nation' (VIDEO 02-26-12)

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Mitt Romney interview on 'Fox News Sunday' (Full VIDEO 02-26-12)

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fox's Megyn Kelly seems frustrated with this post Arizona debate focus group

I saw this interview live the other day and couldn't stop laughing.

Fox's Megyn Kelly did her best to try and steer this focus group towards a pro or postive reaction of Rick Santorum's debate performance....THEY WEREN'T BUYING IT!

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Arizona Governor Jan Brewer endorses Romney for president

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) endorsed Mitt Romney for president during her appearance Sunday morning on “Meet the Press.”

Brewer said she viewed Romney as the most electable candidate to challenge President Obama this fall, and that she made her conclusion after meeting with the candidates and after a debate this week in Arizona.

“I have decided that I am going to publicly endorse Mitt Romney. I think he's the man that can carry the day,” Brewer said. “I think Mitt is by far the person who can go in and win.”

Brewer has become a national figurehead for efforts to curb illegal immigration after leading an effort to install one of the nation’s toughest immigration laws.
The full story is HERE.

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Ghost from elections past: 2008 GOP Presidential Primary

I thought it would be fun to bring this video out in light of The current GOP race.

Here is someone you all know telling America why they need to vote for Mitt. No, It's not John McCain:

You can view the complete video from above HERE.

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ARG Poll: Romney on top in ARIZONA

GOP Nomination: (Previous results from Feb 16)

Mitt Romney 39% (38%)
Rick Santorum 35% (31%)
Newt Gingrich 11% (15%)
Ron Paul 9% (11%)
Undecided 5% (5%) 

Have Already Voted (48% of those polled indicated they previously voted):

Mitt Romney 50%
Rick Santorum 29%
Newt Gingrich 13%
Ron Paul 8%
A survey of 600 likely Republican primary voters was conducted February 23-24, 2012. The MOE is +/-4%.
The full story is HERE.

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Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll: Romney does best against Obama nationally

Head To Head: (Previous results from Feb 24)

Barack Obama 46% (48%)
Mitt Romney 43% (41%) (-3)

Barack Obama 47% (48%)
Rick Santorum 42% (42%) (-5)
A survey of 1,500 likely voters was conducted February 22-24, 2012. The MOE is +/-3%.
The full story is HERE.

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Gallup Daily Tracking Poll: Santorum's once 10 Point lead, down to 1

The full story is HERE.
View the full trends in an Excel file HERE.

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Below is a schedule of the GOP candidates activities for today. More than likely, one or more of the feeds below will cover the event(s), although, that is not always the case.

So look at the schedule below and CHECK BACK at that time of the event you'd like to view. Then click the different feed button(s) under the schedule and HOPEFULLY you will be able to view the event(s)(subject to the news media covering it).

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mitt Romney & Rick Santorum address Michigan's Prosperity Forum (FULL VIDEOS 02-25-12)

With the Michigan Primary taking place in three days, Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney are addressing the Americans for Prosperity Michigan Forum. Both Romney and Santorum are spending most of the next few days in Michigan:

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Michigan Tea Party leaders endorse Mitt Romney

Posted from Mitt Romney's website:
Mitt Romney today announced the support of Tea Party leaders in Michigan.

“In my campaign, I have fought for the conservative principles of lower spending, lower taxes and less government intrusion into our lives and our businesses,” said Mitt Romney. “The Tea Party has been at the frontline of this same fight. Along with the help of these Tea Party leaders, we can defeat President Obama and finally get Washington out of the way.”

Maribeth Schmidt, Co-Founder Of Rattle With Us: "As a mother of three and a Tea Party activist, my main concern is the 15 trillion dollar debt and I believe that Governor Romney has it right when he says that he will look at every government program and ask two questions: ‘Can we afford it?’ and if not, ‘Is it important enough to borrow money from China for?’ His positions on the national debt, Right to Work, domestic energy, and reducing the wages of government employees to match the private sector are why I am supporting him in Tuesday's primary."

Dennis Moore, Founder/Former Director-Willow Run Tea Party Caucus: “Leaders lead without putting a wetted finger in the air seeking consensus. Mitt Romney will be a ‘Reaganesque’ president. I could not in good conscience watch as the Tea Party invokes a litmus test that Ronald Reagan himself would have failed. So I led by personally endorsing Mitt Romney. This country needs Mitt Romney!”
Read the rest of the endorsements are HERE.

Related story Here: Romney Hits the Tea-Party Notes

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New Anti-Santorum ad from Mitt Romney: Courage?

New Anti-Santorum ad: Courage?

IMHO, this is by far Mitt Romney's BEST AD against Rick Santoum.

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Rasmussen Polls: Romney does best against Obama in MONTANA & PENNSYLVANIA

Head-To-Head (MONTANA):

Mitt Romney 48% (+7)
Barack Obama 41%

Rick Santorum 45% (+4)
Barack Obama 41%
A survey of 500 likely voters was conducted February 22, 2012. The MOE is +/-4.5%.

Barack Obama 45%
Mitt Romney 44% (-1)

Barack Obama 46%

Rick Santorum 40% (-6)
A survey of 438 likely voters was conducted February 8-23, 2012. The MOE is +/-4.5%.

Click the state names above for the full story

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Below is a schedule of the GOP candidates activities for today. More than likely, one or more of the feeds below will cover the event(s), although, that is not always the case.

So look at the schedule below and CHECK BACK at that time of the event you'd like to view. Then click the different feed button(s) under the schedule and HOPEFULLY you will be able to view the event(s)(subject to the news media covering it).

Friday, February 24, 2012

Mitt Romney lays out his plans for Jobs and Tax Cuts in Detroit (FULL VIDEO 02-24-12)

GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney outlined his plan for tackling government spending, creating jobs and cutting taxes in a policy speech in Detroit, Mich. He also addressed his ideas for protecting Medicare and Social Security for future generations.

Romney proposed an overhaul of the U.S. tax system to create a "flatter, fairer, simpler tax system," cutting all tax rates by 20% and limiting deductions for the wealthy.
The full story is HERE.

The full VIDEO:

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Is Romney a Closet Keynesian?

I received a great deal of criticism from some Romney supporters for repeating a line that Romney said on the campaign trail. Committing a Kinsley gaffe, Romney inadvertently let it slip that he understands that deep government cuts would have a negative effect on the recovery. Of course, Romney was trying to point out why he would reform the tax code. Unfortunately, he said too much.

Jonathan Alter and Paul Krugman seemed overjoyed to write about Romney's gaffe. The Club for Growth is, of course, outraged.
Sure enough, Andy Roth, vice president for government affairs at the fiscally conservative Club for Growth, called Romney’s comments “hogwash.” Roth said the statement “confirms yet again that Romney is not a limited government conservative. The idea that balancing the budget would not help the economy is crazy. If we balanced the budget tomorrow on spending cuts alone, it would be fantastic for the economy.”
Now, understanding how cuts affects economic growth does not make Romney a Keynesian. It just means that Romney can add and subtract and has taken Macroeconomics 101. Nevertheless, let's consider a few points:

1. Romney has an MBA from Harvard and has spent his life rubbing shoulders with people who understand economics.

2. His chief economic advisers are Glenn Hubbard and Greg Mankiw, both leading economists. Mankiw, for example, is the editor of a collection of papers known as the New Keynesians Economics.

Again, this is not proof that Romney is a Keynesian. It just doesn't seem likely that he isn't though. This does not mean that he isn't conservative. Keynesian economists have consistently argued that governments should increase spending during the bad times and decrease spending during the good times. Politicians since the 1960s have obeyed half of this prescription. Romney, unlike most politicians, actually has decreased government spending during an economic boon. That is why he would be a better President than Obama for the next cycle. We are likely heading toward a full recovery and we need a President who can cut government after the cries for cutting government grow dim.

More on this later.

Rasmussen Poll: Romney leading by 13 in ARIZONA

GOP Nomination:

Mitt Romney 42%
Rick Santorum 29%
Newt Gingrich 16%
Ron Paul 8%

Regardless of who you want to win, who do you think will win the Republican presidential nomination?

Mitt Romney 68%

Rick Santorum 17%

Which Republican presidential candidate would be the strongest opponent against Barack Obama in the general election?

Mitt Romney 51%

Rick Santorum 20%
Newt Gingrich 18%
Ron Paul 6%
A survey of 750 likely primary voters was conducted February 23, 2012. The MOE is +/-4%.
The full story is HERE.

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Rasmussen Poll: Romney leading by 6 in MICHIGAN

GOP Nomination:

Mitt Romney 40%
Rick Santorum 34%
Ron Paul 10%
Newt Gingrich 9% 

Regardless of who you want to win, who do you think will win the Republican presidential nomination?

Mitt Romney 62%
Rick Santorum 23%
Ron Paul 3%
Newt Gingrich 3%
A survey of 750 likely primary voters was conducted February 23, 2012. The MOE is +/-4%.
The full story is HERE.

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The Arizona Republic endorses Mitt Romney

Arizona's largest newspaper had this to say:
Republicans long ago identified the qualities required of a presidential candidate who could pose a legitimate challenge to President Barack Obama.

The list of attributes was short.

Above all else, that candidate must exude an adult-in-the-room savvy regarding stabilizing federal spending and growing the economy and be able to express that competence to the American people.

The method to accomplish that goal, in the view of conservative Republicans, would be to reform tax policy, control federal spending and set the nation's finances on a path away from the fast-approaching chaos of unparalleled federal debt.

Rightly, we think, they concluded that all else pales beyond enacting necessary reforms, including limiting the reach of the federal leviathan, that would help unleash American productivity and create jobs.

Not only is the former governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney, best prepared, according to those criteria, of all the remaining GOP presidential hopefuls. He is also among the most skilled job-creating candidates for chief executive we can imagine.

The Arizona Republic recommends that, in Tuesday's primary election, Republican voters support Mitt Romney for president.
Read the rest of the endorsement HERE.

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Why a high turnout is bad for democracy

This is going to be one of my most controversial posts so far. The subject is turnout, and why a high turnout, contrary to popular belief, isn't really good for democracy or for anything else.

First, let's start with my basic assumptions:

There are those who are interested in politics, and those who are not. How do we draw the line? Ask yourself this question: Do I care enough to read both candidates (general election candidates, that is) election manifestos? Do I care enough to factcheck the candidates claims that they make during debates and in ads? Do I ever discuss politics with my friends, or at the dinner table with my family? Do I identify with any ideology? If I don't, do I at least have well-defined positions in most issues?

If you answer No to more than one of those questions, you should probably think about whether you should vote. Voting, contrary to popular belief, is not a duty at all.

Now, the kind of people who engage in "go vote" campaigns would probably counter with "but people died for your right to vote".


But the same people who died for your right to vote also died for your right to carry arms. Does that mean that everyone should carry arms, even those who lack the knowledge and self-control to handle them safely? Of course not. A right is not the same as a duty. Similarly, if you don't have the knowledge and self-control that is necessary not to fall for a candidate like Donald Trump (who used to be a frontrunner, remember), then you shouldn't vote. The voters who fell for Donald Trump were low-information voters who fell for Trump just because he seemed cool and could talk tough. It's like a 13-year old girl who falls in love with the toughest guy in school, the guy who smokes cigarettes on the schoolground and tells the principal to F*** off.

Is the stage being set to play down Michigan and Arizona if Romney wins?

I've been watching/listening to the ABR pundits off and on all day today to hear their collective take on Mitt Romney's winning debate performance Wednesday night.

When the topic of Michigan has come up, the "Romney must win or else" statements seemed to have toned down a bit. I'm asking myself, WHY?

Before the debate on Wednesday, Romney had already begun to cut into any lead Santorum had in Michigan. So it's almost as if, some of the pundits are de-emphasizing Michigan and Arizona perhaps because Romney's chances of winning there have greatly improved. IMHO, what's really going on is some preemptive damage control for Rick Santorum.

Not one pundit today that I had listened to said that it is a must win in Michigan for Rick Santorum either. They were saying it last week when he was leading there by 10-15 points, but not anymore. So I think the new game is, lower expectations for Michigan and Arizona so that when/if Romney wins, it will be played down as,....well it was his home state....or for Arizona, they'll talk about the Mormon vote.

By playing down Michigan and Arizona now, It would minimize any Romney bounce going into Super Tuesday if he should win.

Santorum's Last Stand?

If the ABR pundits can play down Michigan & Arizona, my guess is they will make a big deal out of the Washington State Caucuses scheduled for Saturday, March 3.

Right now, Santorum is leading there. If he could somehow pull off a win, I could see them trying to build that up to try and give Santorum some steam going into Super Tuesday, that would be 3 days after that.

Maybe I think to much? Then again, when was the last time you heard any of the pundits talk about the Washington Caucuses? I'll bet, if Romney wins Michigan and Arizona, the media will make Washington a must win for Romney and 3 days before Super Tuesday, THAT IS ALL YOU'LL HEAR!.

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Below is a schedule of the GOP candidates activities for today. More than likely, one or more of the feeds below will cover the event(s), although, that is not always the case.

So look at the schedule below and CHECK BACK at that time of the event you'd like to view. Then click the different feed button(s) under the schedule and HOPEFULLY you will be able to view the event(s)(subject to the news media covering it).

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Santorum Super Flop at Super Bowl

This week's CNN GOP debate was indeed the "Super Bowl" of primary debates. Many contenders have had their shot to be the alpha-candidate and win electorate support through their logical and at times illogical debate prowess. As has been the case in most of the debates, Romney came out on top at a crucial moment in the campaign. His clutch performances have been consistent and integral in winning key states and support at critical moments. If this campaign has been longer and more arduous for Mitt Romney it certainly has honed his skill, style, and ability behind the debate podium which will be a crucial asset should he be the nominee. Barack Obama may be enjoying the GOP infighting now but when the debates roll around this fall he will not be so thrilled by the advantages Mitt Romney has gained from the seemingly never ending GOP debate cycle. Mitt Romney has become a highly acute debater and his style has turned out to be like the candidate himself - Smart and Consistent.
Rick Santorum took a hard beating at the debate. While stylizing himself as an outsider and true conservative, Rick Santorum ran straight into an oncoming train called "His Record". Taking one for the team and leader emphasizes a lack of leadership ability and experience. So much for the last non-Romney contender.

Mitt Romney spoke to the Associated Builders and Contractors trade group (FULL VIDEO 02-23-12)

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney today addressed Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) at its national board of directors meeting in Phoenix. The former Massachusetts governor received a standing ovation from the board.

“We want to thank Gov. Romney for taking time from his campaign schedule to share his vision for America,” said 2012 ABC National Chairman Eric Regelin, president of Granix, LLC, Ellicott City, Md. “He is a strong supporter of the free-market, merit shop philosophy and firmly believes every American has the right to choose whether or not to join a labor union.”
The full story is HERE.

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