Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Candidate Spoilsport Santorum

While graciously telephoning and congratulating Mitt Romney for his wins and after giving a gracious concession speech, Rick Santorum is trying to take back all his graciousness by declaring Michigan a draw today. Citing anecdotal information the Santorum campaign claims that the delegates will be divided evenly and we should "move it from a win for Mitt Romney to a tie race".

Several points;

1) If it's just about delegates let's look at the tally last night: Mitt 44 Rick 15 (at best)

2) If the President and Rick had not begged Democrats to come out against Mitt he would have won by eight points and presumedly would have garnered more delegates still.

3) What kind of impression does Rick want to give? Sounds like a whiner and a spoilsport since he conceded and is now going back on his concession. Smacks of pride. Presidential?

4) Who cares about Michigan today? Everyone but Rick is looking forward. It's a repeat of the aftermath of his humiliating loss at the CNN debate in Arizona when he tried to convince the world of a conspiracy between Romney and Paul. Turns out that Paul just really dislikes him.

Following the trend in Michigan and accounting for the fallout from the desperate act of courting Obama Democrats, if the election were held today or tomorrow the victory would have been a landslide as it was in Arizona in Mitt's favor. So let's cut the bull. No one is buying it.

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  1. But he knows the media is on his side, so why not?

    Brokaw: "He's like a character in a Bruce Willis movie. He just knows how to stay alive. He's running through the jungle, fighting back, shooting from the hip, takes a lot of hits, stays angry the entire time, and he is giving a voice to a lot of people out there whose lives have been completely upended."



  2. I get it...when Santorum wins by 34 votes it is a landslide win for Rick...when Mitt Romney wins by more than 32,000 votes it is a tie.


  3. *34 votes, with 8 suddenly missing precincts. I would let Iowa slide, but if he's going to pull something like this...

  4. Honestly, can you imagine prickly little Santorum negotiating nuclear arsenals with former KGB Head, Putin? Santorum is way out of his intellectual and experiential depth in the race for president. It's the media, Mr. Aspirin-Bucks, and the hardcore anti-Romneyites who are keeping Santorum afloat for now. He can't go the distance, despite help from the Dems. He's got a large family to support, and my hunch is that the GOP powers-that-be in Washington will make it clear to him soon enough that they won't welcome his lobbying work in the future if he pushes his vanity quest for the nomination too far.

  5. It doesn't take a whole lot of intelligence to see the ducks, spins and turns Santorum makes to try and fool we the people. His complaining, and whining is more than I can take. This article was spot on. Santorums wife, along with his children should do him and themselves a favor and step down. It's embarrassing. Santorum.....Pride precedeth the fall

  6. I cannot get past the fact that Santorum looks exactly like the Scarecrow from the Wizard Of Oz. Add that the Scarecrow wanted a brain!
