Saturday, February 25, 2012

New Anti-Santorum ad from Mitt Romney: Courage?

New Anti-Santorum ad: Courage?

IMHO, this is by far Mitt Romney's BEST AD against Rick Santoum.

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  1. And all true, of course. I can't help it, I feel a little sorry for him.


  2. I'd feel sorrier for him if he wasn't so quick to misrepresent Romney.

    I don't dislike Santorum. However, he is a very weak candidate.

    Unlike Michele Bachmann, he lacks TEA Party credibility.
    Unlike Rick Perry and Tim Pawlenty, he lacks the executive experience that comes with being a governor.
    Unlike Herman Cain, he lacks private sector experience and charisma.
    Unlike Newt Gingrich, he is not a good speaker.
    Also unlike Newt Gingrich, his home and family life is admirable.
    Like Newt Gingrich, he is a life-long politician/lobbyist/Washington insider.

    Sadly, Santorum bring nothing uniquely qualifying to the race. The fact that he is currently competing is that he is the last ABR. There is no one else to turn to for the anti-Romney crowd. He is a better man than Gingrich, which is why Gingrich seems to finally be fading (at least I hope so), but compared to Romney, he lacks credentials. Romney has a record as a successful business man, and in our current economy, that is needed. Santorum lacks private sector experience. Romney was a governor, and thus has hands on experience as a government executive. Santorum was a senator. We have a senator in the White House today. Not exactly confidence inspiring.

    Romney is not perfect. His opponents are quick to point out his flaws, and some I agree with, but in the big picture, Romney is BY FAR the best candidate, and I have no doubt that if he wins the White House he will be an excellent (though not perfect) president.

  3. Noelle..........those are EXCELLENT thoughts!

    Factual....not an!


  4. Noelle, LOVED your comment! You are right on! Say hi to my daughter, Julie, will you!

  5. Noelle,

    Your comment deserves it's own post.
    You've summed Santorum in a nut shell.

    He has no redeeming qualities or ANYTHING POSITIVE that is unique to him.

  6. Even Rick knows he has nothing going for him.

    Why do think he's trying to cash in on being a Catholic?

  7. Great ad!!...Do we want someone who admits he voted for something that goes against his own principles and that he voted for something to "take one for the team"?

  8. Tis true.

    I would have more respect for Santorum if he stood by the votes he made and defended them.

  9. Um, wow. That "thud" at the end of the commercial was the sound of a bear trap snapping closed on Santorum's foot.

    Great ad.

  10. I like your comment, Noelle. Someone else I read defined Santorum as "an average former senator with a nice family." I think that about defines it. He is willing to speak about social issues, but as he often comes off as preachy and holier-than-thou, that trait is as much a plus as a minus in the primaries, and a definite negative in the general.

