Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Obama Democrats for Santorum

While Romney touts many big and small endorsements from fellow Republicans, Santorum is relying on the Democrat's biggest hitters in the Michigan primary. Axelrod, Obama, and Emanuel have even gone as far as spending valuable campaign funds to get the vote out for Santorum. If Santorum wins he will owe his victory to these men and the Democrats. As Santorum has explained to all of us little people: All political favors are tit for tat. Surely they will call in the favor this fall should Santorum trick his way into the nomination.

Rick Santorum has slithered rather than stooped to a new low by courting Obama Democrats to vote against Mitt Romney in the Michigan primary that is open to all registered voters. The former Pennsylvania senator hopes, as does Barack Obama and David Axelrod, that a strong showing by the Democrats will put him ahead in the heavily contested state to slow down and damage the Mitt Romney campaign.

The President is in fact showing his hand for all the GOP to see. He would like nothing better than to run against Senator Santorum who has clearly shown his vulnerabilities and weaknesses over the last several weeks. His lack of preparation for prime time and his sometimes indefensible arguments coupled with his atrocious voting record has wetted the appetite of the President and his cohorts for a easy win this November and the Democrats have moved to action against the more competent and prepared Mitt Romney. Should the investment of President Obama and Rick Santorum pay off in a big Democrat turnout in Michigan the race will certainly be jolted but will Republicans allow Obama Democrats and David Axelrod to shape the GOP primary? Should the Santorum-Democrat plan avail in Michigan, Santorum will surely be rejected in upcoming primaries once republican faithfuls realize that the President and his party were in fact the winning factor. Again, this is only if the Santorum-Obama trick should prevail.
Santorum himself said that sometimes he voted for bills that were against his principles and beliefs. Now one has to ask, Does he have any principles? What we can take from this recent dirty trick from Mr. Santorum is that the man has been blinded by ambition and left his conscience and judgment somewhere between Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania. We suggest that he looks for it before attempting to assume the mantle of the Republican nominee for President of the United States of America. More than likely he will have to buy it back from whoever or whatever he sold it to. Unfortunately for him he no longer has the currency he used to make the transaction i.e.; Votes and American tax dollars. Regardless of the outcome in Michigan, Rick Santorum has once and for all permanently damaged his reputation and has fully embraced his most abrasive defining characteristic: The Quintessential Politician.

Interestingly, the message, besides being brought to us by Santorum and "hard working Democrats" does leave out the fact that Santorum was opposed to the Detroit car bailout as well. Inconsistency in the message is as blatant as the inconsistency of the candidate.


  1. Sounds like a program one of our dearly departed posters would be all giggly about.

    Santorum is a POS and should he get the GOP nod, I'll be sitting out, since he has no chance of winning NY.

    The man is an empty vest and a shameless political street walker.

    1. After this gets wrapped around him for two weeks of pac neg ads he just blew it for the bulk of all southern super Tuesday states. And since Romney is cleaning up in the Repub only primary in Az it will make any success for Santo in Mi suspect. Romney will take Santo in Mi, and Santo keeps dropping deeper into his sewer.

  2. Doug, no need to fear Rick "take one for the team" Santorum will not be the nominee.

  3. My prediction is Mitt coasts through AZ, while Santorum edges out Mitt in MI, after some democratic help. If Santorum wins MI, he has Obama and sites like the daily kos to thank.

  4. What a big freakin hypocrite....Santorum opposed the auto bailout, even saying in one debate that he agrees with Romney about the auto bailout. And he is running an ad against Mitt for opposing the bailout? haha what a sore loser, yet he compares this ad to Romney running ads using his endorsement from 08? Hmm how are they the same?

  5. If Santorum believes that democrats voting for him today to stop Romney will translate into democrats voting for him in November, he is fooling himself.

    The thought that Santorum is campaigning as the "principled conservative" is downright laughable. He is Mr. Take It For The Team. He basically said that he abandoned his principles and took one for the team. Now he is in bed with the Daily Kos, a far left site.

    A few weeks ago I felt that if Santorum won the nomination, I could vote for him and not feel bad about it (as opposed to Newt Gingrich). Today, after Rick's performances this past week or so, he has fallen so far in my esteem that voting for him would turn my stomach. He is not the low-life that Gingrich is, in my opinion. He is at least faithful to his family. Beyond that, he has lost my respect.

  6. Dumb move by Santo, very dumb. He's going to lose Michigan anyway and Romney and Gingrich will make him wear this like a noose. Wow, simply stupid. Obviously their internals show they are desperate, but this came out too late to help him, and by coming out with his name on it it makes him look like a total Washington political sleaze that will sleep with anyone, which it appears he is and wiil

  7. Mitt Romney is a class act. Always has been, always will be. It's a sad day if republicans would prefer Santos over him.

  8. Once again we see that the biggest theocrat in the race is also the biggest hypocrite. Wolf in sheep's clothing, as the Good Book warns.

  9. I believe there is still enough time left for this to backfire on Santorum in Michigan today. If I were a Republican in Michigan, I would be so disgusted that a vote for Santorum would feel like a vote for Obama. Santorum may pick up some Democratic votes today but he will lose a significant amount of Republican votes.

    I am originally from PA and Santorum lost PA by a record margin for a very good reason....and I think people are starting to gain insight as to why he lost by such a large margin in PA. Santorum can not be trusted!!!!!!!

    Oh yeah, Santorum has some nerve stating that he is the true conservative...Mr. Big Labor! He is no different than Obama. He will be cutting deals with the unions to get votes and us private sector people who do not belong to unions will get screwed again.

  10. I sure hope so, leighrow. I hope the Republicans have had a chance to see this, even the Western Michiganders that are more likely to vote for Santorum, and change their vote to Romney.

    If Santorum wins this, I wonder just how much the media will concentrate on the Democrat voter turnout. You know they will declare this a major upset victory, even though Santorum was up about 10 points a week ago.

    No matter, Santorum may win this battle, but he has just lost the war. As Big E stated above, this will be hung like a noose on Santorum.

  11. If Romney loses by a small margin...Romney will be fine. People will see how Santorum and Obama rigged the primary against Romney. If anything this may open people's eyes as to why the primaries should be closed.

    Since Michigan allocates delegates proportionally,Romney will still win delegates in MI. It looks very favorable for Mitt to win AZ which is winner take all...so Mitt will most definitely win the delegate count today.

    The media however, as always, will spin against Romney. To me it is quite clear that Romney is the strongest candidate,especially since he is still standing after getting hit from all sides.

  12. Is Santorum taking one for the team, or playing for the other team?

    He's got a blue jersey on this week, and I don't like it :(

  13. And I don't think his new "blue" team (Axelrod, Obama, and Emanuel) will be on his side in the fall either. What a fool.
