Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum on the Sean Hannity Show as Santorum sinks to a new low in GOP Politics! (VIDEO 02-27-12)

Romney responds to Santorum's robocall in Michigan:

Santorum embarrasses himself by trying to justify his robocall TO DEMOCRATS by pointing out Romney's ad using his endorsement of Romney in 2008:

ASKING DEMOCRATS to sway the wishes of the party he claims he wants to represent. Santorum just demonstrated tonight that he is a total SLEAZEBALL and an embarrassment to former, present, and future GOP candidates for President!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. Santorum seems angry or irritated most times. Having democrats participate in a Republican primary is not going to win over people.

  4. Yeah if he wins MI, he can think Obama for getting Dems to fulfill his wishes

  5. Lets hear the conservative purist try and spin this into Santorum's favor.

  6. It's called sleeping with the enemy.

  7. Brian Kilmeade and Steve Doucey on Fox & Friends were just mentioning Santorum's robocall in a "dirty politics" segment.

    Kilmeade said that there was no comparison between Romney using Santorums own voice in an ad Santorum asking and misleading Democrats to vote for him.

  8. What an ass Rick Santorum is. Really.

  9. If Santorum thinks that the democrats voting for him today to stop Romney will translate into democrats voting for him in November he is fooling himself.

  10. And the hypocrite is running his ads and accusing Romney of opposing the auto bailout, yet Santorum himself also opposed the auto bailout.

  11. He has to know these are not Reagan democrats but democrats who are essentially laughing at him for what they think are extremist views which will sink him in the general election. His win-at-any-cost behavior is disgusting.

  12. Rick is so angry and , like Newt, does not have the temperament to be President. We don't need an impulsive hothead at this time in history.

  13. Tricky Ricky showed his true colors by teaming up with Obama to encourage Democrats to crash the GOP primaries in order to defeat Romney.

    Benedict Arnold would be proud of tricky Ricky. Very proud.

  14. The particular issues aside, step back and objectively watch these two videos again then ask yourself this question: Which candidate displays a deeper grasp of the many and varied issues that face our nation (foreign and domestic) and can clearly articulate same without putting their foot in their mouth?

    Santorum had to spend his whole time slot defending statements and positions on his social agenda (not the biggest challege we face).

    Do we want this to be about the economy (a referrendum on Obama, a fight we can win), or about the candidate (Santorum and his worldview, a losing fight all the way)?

    There really is no contest here, folks...
