Sunday, February 26, 2012

Ghost from elections past: 2008 GOP Presidential Primary

I thought it would be fun to bring this video out in light of The current GOP race.

Here is someone you all know telling America why they need to vote for Mitt. No, It's not John McCain:

You can view the complete video from above HERE.

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  1. Wow!

    I had heard the Santorum/Laura Ingraham radio interview but I didn't realize there was a video of a Santorum endorsement.

  2. Romney should run an ad in Missouri using that video, just before March 17, when Missouri's delegates will be selected.

  3. I agree with Santorum!

  4. Great video. Thanks for sharing. I have already passed it along. If anyone is interested here are some videos about Santorum and some of his skeletons or at least items that the main stream media does not appear to be reporting on. Hope you enjoy.

  5. Apparently, Santorum told Glenn Beck that he regrets endorsing Mitt Romney 4 years ago. Does anyone know? If so, why does he then defend his position for and not regret endorsing Arlen Specter?

  6. Excellent point, Machtyn! There's a great ad: Rick's endorsement of Mitt. Rick's endorse of Specter. Rick's regret over his Mitt endorse. Rick's defense over his Specter endorse.

    WHERE are Santorum's principles???

  7. Anon @5:12,

    Thanks for the link. I really like the one about The Gang of Four, featuring Gingrich and Santorum. The ones about Santorum you can just see he is lobbyist all the way.

  8. Hot Air had a post on this and they said that Santorum is saying Fool me once shame on you..fool me twice etc

    And they even went so far as to say that a lot of people were "fooled" by Romney and that is why it is okay for Santorum to be a hypocrite about this..needless to say the bloggers at Hot Air have also flip flopped on apparently that is their defense..they were lied to and now they see the light.

    Sure...and next time when they do a big fat flip flop..who will they blame?


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