Thursday, February 23, 2012

Santorum Super Flop at Super Bowl

This week's CNN GOP debate was indeed the "Super Bowl" of primary debates. Many contenders have had their shot to be the alpha-candidate and win electorate support through their logical and at times illogical debate prowess. As has been the case in most of the debates, Romney came out on top at a crucial moment in the campaign. His clutch performances have been consistent and integral in winning key states and support at critical moments. If this campaign has been longer and more arduous for Mitt Romney it certainly has honed his skill, style, and ability behind the debate podium which will be a crucial asset should he be the nominee. Barack Obama may be enjoying the GOP infighting now but when the debates roll around this fall he will not be so thrilled by the advantages Mitt Romney has gained from the seemingly never ending GOP debate cycle. Mitt Romney has become a highly acute debater and his style has turned out to be like the candidate himself - Smart and Consistent.
Rick Santorum took a hard beating at the debate. While stylizing himself as an outsider and true conservative, Rick Santorum ran straight into an oncoming train called "His Record". Taking one for the team and leader emphasizes a lack of leadership ability and experience. So much for the last non-Romney contender.


  1. "While I was fighting to save the Olympics, you were fighting to save The Bridge To Nowhere."


  2. "Congressman Paul, why are your ads calling Senator Santorum "a fake."~John King

    "Because he's a fake."~Ron Paul


  3. Tricky Ricky took such a beating last night, I thought they were going to take him off the stage on a stretcher.

  4. I appreciate Ron Paul's support for Mitt in this debate. Santorum was booed, and completely humiliated at several points.

    He spent a lot of time explaining why he voted for things that were against his principles....the definition of a Washington insider.

  5. About an hour ago on CNN, former PA Senator Arlen Specter DENIED Santorum's claim last night that he had promised Santorum he would support Bush's judicial nominees if Santorum endorsed his 2004 re-election bid.

    In other words, Specter is calling Santorum a LIAR!!!

    Which of course, we already knew.

  6. According to Politico, Romney & Paul, as well as their wives, have become very friendly on the campaign trail.

    If Romney wins the nomination, I fully expect Ron Paul and/or Rand Paul to give a major speech at the GOP convention in Tampa.

  7. Yes, the crowd was Mitt friendly. But not so much that, had Santorum had any ability to gain momentum and score some points, he couldn't have turned that crowd against Mitt. As it was, the crowd turned on Santorum.

    He had a lot of cheers at the beginning. By the end of the debate, the cheer decibel was less than half what it was at the beginning. It wasn't only the unfriendly Santorum crowd that booed him, it was also his weak supporters that had hoped he would do well that also indicated his poor performance.

    Watch the ABR's run back to Gingrich. They are completely confused and miffed at having one bad candidate after another to select, when the best candidate of anybody running or who could run was already there.

  8. LOL..."alfa candidate"..Is that sort of like "grassroots"?

    Not picking on ya, just gave me a chuckle, that's all.

  9. A great call out by Mitt Romney with this comments on Santorum’s support for Arlen Specter. This was a definate blow that took the air out of Santorum. Romney needs to continue to hit that home with the public. They need to continue to dig to inform the public that Santorum is two-faced. Loved it when Santorum kept saying, I voted for it but should not have or I did not believe in it but I took one for the team and voted for it. What a flip-flopper. They need to continue to vet those items as well as his illegal charity, the usage of his PAC funds, his relationship with Jack Abramoff and K-street, his voting record, etc, etc. Great job on this forum with the great articles and with offering the chat box – great place. They need to vet the entire K-street relationship – Watch the Gang of Four starring Rick Santorum – There is a reason that Crew listed him as one of the most corrupt politicians in DC. Romney needs to speak with his friend Senator McCain and get the real scoop on Santorum. I read that McCain has yet to release the documents from the K-street scandal – anyone else confirm this?

  10. Jerald, That is funny. Alpha-Candidate works better! LOL and good catch. Peace and Plenty, PN
