Sunday, February 26, 2012

Gallup Daily Tracking Poll: Santorum's once 10 Point lead, down to 1

The full story is HERE.
View the full trends in an Excel file HERE.

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  1. The ABR crowd loves to downplay Romney's electability, but just look at these numbers! Romney is ahead by four points nine months before the general election, and he consistently leads in a wide range of polls. Nominate Romney or we'll have four more years of Obama.

  2. The ABR crowed and the Anti Mormon crown are one in the same. Romney is more conservative than either Rick or Newt especially in their personal lives. neither of the two can handle the mantle of President.....

  3. Hopefully we will see Romney back on top by the middle of the week. It might take that long for some of the bad Santorum stuff to seep in..that debate was only a few days ago.

  4. Romney is back in the lead now by 2 points. Santorum is at 29 and Romney is at 31.
