Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fox's Megyn Kelly seems frustrated with this post Arizona debate focus group

I saw this interview live the other day and couldn't stop laughing.

Fox's Megyn Kelly did her best to try and steer this focus group towards a pro or postive reaction of Rick Santorum's debate performance....THEY WEREN'T BUYING IT!

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  1. I've been posting links to this video in all my favorite blogs. It is too funny not to share. Even those supporting other candidates wouldn't take the bait, and were unanimous in their opinion that this was a disaster for Santorum.

  2. Geez, if you didn't know better, you'd think Kelly was a Santorum spokeswoman in a spin room, or at least a Dem spinning hard to knock down the most feared Republican.

    It really seems like FOX News has declared in-house that they mean to take out Romney.

    That's certainly not fair and balanced reporting. They should be ashamed of themselves.

    I wonder what the agenda of the boss man really is...

  3. Has anyone figured out why so many in the republican/conservatie media who supported Romney in 2008 are so anti-romney this time around. it really is difficult to find a blog that isn't spouting an ABR message.

  4. Kelly desperately defended Santorum. Why not go on the road as a Santorum spokesman instead of pretending to do the so called fair and balanced Fox News election coverage. Fox people like Kelly open their mouths and Murdock's words come spewing forth. I loved it that the panel didn't buy her bs and stuck to their own perceptions.

  5. IMO Megyn Kelly was just playing devil's advocate because noone else would stick up for Santorum. She needed someone to take the side of Santorum for sake of discussion, and she ended up doing so because noone else would.
    I am a Romney supporter who happens to see things unbiased, and I think all of you are a little too sensitive to any ounce of criticism towards Mitt.
    People, the entire focus group was pro Romney. Can you understand why Kelly would take Santorum's side? I certainly can. Lighten up people. We are not victims. We are not victims. If I want to be a victim I will join the democrat party.

  6. I was an avid. Fox News. Channel viewed for a long time, but, now, it seems that they have all of this negatively going on against. former Gov. Mitt Romney. I cannot figure. out why, because, in my opinion, Mitt is the most qualified nominee. Sometimes, it seems like they. go out of their way to try to bring up a negative point about Mitt, and, he does not deserve that. There are only about 2 shows that I might watch now. I wish Fox would become Fair and Balanced again. Anonymous

  7. I agree that she could've been playing the "devil's advocate".....but there was a Gingrich supporter, a Paul supporter there, so not ALL Romney people for sure!

    When she played the segment with comment from "some" article that Mitt looked snippy.........I thought it totally showed Santorum's arrogance, smart aleck attitude!

    Fox IS biased. Why people that supported Mitt the last time not this? IMO, last time they KNEW Mitt would not win, so he was "safe". This time, not so. Fox, Rush, Levin, Ingraham, Beck, Hannity.......their pockets are "fuller" when a Dem is in the WH. If any of the radio talkers truly loved America and soooooo concerned about the debt, etc. how can they support (and they KNOW) career politicians becoming rich because of political office?? There's no explanation except their wallets.........or (religion.....I'll just whisper it).


  8. To answer a previous comment (10:04) about why Pro Romney 2008 people are not sold on Romney 2012, is because Romney was the alternative to McCain in 2008. Meaning they really didn't like him in 08 but preferred him to McCain (Mr. Maverick).

    2010 people are hoping for the perfect candidate, but there isn't one. There is only the best one of the group. That person is Gov. Romney because of his business experience, his love of the country, his support for a free market and his focus on finding viable solutions.

  9. Reaganesque...

    Kelly wasn't playing devil's advocate....she was trying to push an agenda.

    It was a focus group. We were supposed to be hearing what the group thought. Instead we got treated to Kelly time and again cutting people off, interrupting, changing the subject, and trying over and over again to coax the responses she wanted from the group.

    Otherwise, she would have let the people answer her "devil's advocate" questions rather than trying to manipulate the "discussion."

    A sure sign of bad reporting is when the media person is doing most of the talking and trying to control the answers...

  10. I could believe that it was Kelly trying to play devil's advocate. But Jerald makes a good point. Another piece of evidence that Kelly / Fox News has a bias against Romney is that they had the clip from the debate where Romney was clapping, supposedly belittling what Santorum was saying, at the ready and planned to be used.

    Of that clip, I thought Romney was saying, "YES, as a governor I DID have to balance budgets, I DID have to work within defined rules, and I DID succeed at reducing government, debt, and waste." He wasn't belittling what Santorum was saying.

    Back to the point of bias. FoxNews was heavily biased against Romney in 2008 as well. Back then it was propping up Huckabee, continually having the Catholic Cardinal on asking Romney to explain his faith (even after his Faith in America speech), and negative reporting on Mitt. Even though the bigotry slant on Fox is diminished, the other areas of attack have been quite telling and noticeable for many people.

  11. Romney was clapping to get across that he LIKED the balanced budget requirement in MA and wants "Cut, Cap and Balance." Even Santorum got it, he interrupted himself to agree the requirement was a good thing.

  12. Devil's Advocate? You mean Ailes, right?

    I don't get so upset with the near universal media bias against Romney, just think it's funny when it is so blatantly obvious...

  13. Now that we're dissecting everything being said and mannerisms and such. I think Megyn Kelly was playing Devil's advocate but never stayed neutral like an unbiased reprter would do. The Gingrich supporter made himself sound very stupid when he said that Gingrich isn't appealing to the Repinlican base. The Ron Paul supporter never got her full message to be heard. Her comment was meant to portray the other politicans as mostly one and the same and that wouldn't work for Megyn Kelly's agenda so she had to change the topic. Also, it appears that Mitt Romney is getting some female votes for his good looks as that attractive lady in the dress is infantuated with him. Governors are less likely to sprawl with political parties since they work for their states and senators like Rick Santorum are party players. However, for an independent govenor Mitt certainly can't seem to make up his mind on some issues. Mitt Romney has a very bad weakness- and thats his wealth. He is constantly tripping over himself trying to connect with folk of modest income. That is why Bush lost to Clinton. Clinton could connect with this group of people because he was them. Bush and Romney can't even pretend it. David from NYC.

  14. This "connect with" meme is bogus. Just because Romney doesn't "connect with" you (yet), doesn't mean he hasn't "connected with" plenty of others. In fact, with more than any other candidate in the GOP field by far. Look at the total popular vote tally if you don't believe me ;)

    It is not a problem to be successful in America! The real problem is those that want to live on the government dole and never make anything of themselves (candidates AND constituents). Keep trying to turn a strength into a weakness, but we won't be fooled by that entitlement argument.
