Thursday, September 28, 2023

Embattled Sen. Bob Menendez Spent Years Helping Developer and Imam Behind Controversial Ground Zero Mosque; Menendez Indicted on Bribery Charges Involving Egyptian Government and NJ Businessmen; Menendez was Corrupt from the Start

Embattled Sen. Bob Menendez spent years helping developer and imam behind controversial ground zero mosque:
Sen. Robert Menendez spent years helping the Egyptian-American imam behind the controversial ground zero mosque — a plan the embattled Democrat later championed.
Menendez, 69, was indicted on federal bribery charges Friday, along with his wife, for schemes that allegedly benefited the government of Egypt and three New Jersey businessmen.
Starting in 1989, when the senator was the mayor of Union City, NJ, Menendez reportedly secured more than $2 million in public cash and loans for Egyptian-American imam Feisal Abdul Rauf.
The funding was meant to renovate three low-income apartment buildings Rauf owned there, according to reports — buildings that, tenants complained, remained dilapidated for years after the money was received.
At the same time, Rauf was in business with developer Fred Daibes — the Menendez political benefactor who allegedly bribed him with gold bars and cash, and who was named as a Menendez co-defendant Friday.
Rauf is not named in the federal indictment against Menendez and has not been accused of any wrongdoing.
In 2010, when controversy erupted over Rauf’s plans to build an Islamic center and mosque two blocks from the site of the World Trade Center, Menendez cheered the proposed 13-story structure. --->READ MORE HERE
Menendez Indicted on Bribery Charges Involving Egyptian Government and NJ Businessmen:
Senator Robert Menendez has been indicted on federal bribery charges, along with his wife, for allegedly benefiting the government of Egypt and three businessmen from New Jersey. It has been revealed that Menendez, even as far back as 1989 when he was the mayor of Union City, NJ, helped secure over $2 million in public funds for Egyptian-American imam Feisal Abdul Rauf. The funding was intended for the renovation of low-income apartment buildings owned by Rauf, but tenants complained that the buildings remained in a dilapidated state for years after the money was received.
During this time, Rauf was involved in a business partnership with developer Fred Daibes, who has been named as a co-defendant with Menendez. Daibes allegedly bribed Menendez with gold bars and cash. It is worth noting that Rauf himself has not been named in the federal indictment and has not been accused of any wrongdoing.
In 2010, when controversy arose over Rauf’s plans to build an Islamic center and mosque near the World Trade Center site, Menendez expressed his support for the proposed structure. However, the project faced strong opposition from many who had lost family members in the 9/11 attacks. It is unclear if Menendez received any personal benefit from his support for Rauf’s plans. --->READ MORE HERE
Follow link below to a relevant story:

He thought he was a Biden: Menendez was corrupt from the start

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