Thursday, September 28, 2023

Mexican Families Apprehended at the Border Almost Triple, with 10.3K Caught in One Month; Biden Admin Breaks Texas Town’s All Time Record for Migrant Apprehensions

Mexican families apprehended at the border almost triple, with 10.3K caught in one month:
As the huge influx of migrants across the US-Mexico border continues, whole families from Mexico are trying their luck at starting a new life in the US.
As the Biden administration’s messaging about who is allowed into the country on humanitarian parole and who will be turned away remains unclear, there has been an explosion of Mexican families apprehended at the border.
More than 10,000 people apprehended crossing illegally in July were travelling as families from Mexico, according to Customs and Border Protection statistics.
Migrant families now account for the largest demographic group crossing the border in August, surpassing single adults for the first time since President Biden took office in 2020, according to the Washington Post.
Over 115,000 Mexican families have been encountered by US Border Patrol so far in the financial year 2023 which ends this month, almost triple last fiscal year’s count of around 40,000, CBP said.
The unprecedent jump is likely due to soft border policies by the Biden administration, which has agreed to let up to 43,500 migrants a month from Venezuela, Nicaragua, Haiti, and Cuba into the country on ‘humanitarian parole’.
In practice, The Post has found many Mexicans also being admitted the same way, as once they are on American soil they have a right to claim asylum. In one case border floodgates in Arizona were left wide open and people just walked into the country then handed themselves over to officers and asked to start the asylum process. --->READ MORE HERE
Randy Clark/Breitbart Texas
Biden Admin Breaks Texas Town’s All Time Record for Migrant Apprehensions:
In one single day, one Border Patrol station in the small Texas border town of Eagle Pass apprehended more migrants than all ten stations in the El Paso Sector combined. According to a source within CBP, more than 1,300 migrants were apprehended on Friday in the small border town. This compares to 1,100 for eleven El Paso Border Patrol Sector stations combined. The surge quickly overwhelmed a local Border Patrol processing facility and the ability of non-government (NGO) shelters to accommodate the surge.
The source, not authorized to speak to the media, told Breitbart Texas the number of migrants crossing into the city in one single day broke any record kept by the agency. “In just one eight-hour shift, more than 700 migrants were taken into custody” the source explained. “We lack the capacity to deal with it. This system is broken.”
In the only soft-sided processing facility that operates on a budget of more than six million dollars per month, the number of migrants detained exceeded 3,000. The number of migrants being held, according to the source, is more than three times its rated capacity.
The source says the surge has prompted the Border Patrol to conduct mass releases into the Texas border town. On Saturday, Breitbart Texas witnessed several groups of migrants leaving a charity shelter and attempting to walk from the border city to San Antonio, Texas — a trek of more than 150 miles. The migrants told Breitbart Texas they were forced out of the shelter due to capacity issues and because they lacked the funding to purchase bus tickets on their own.
The Tucson Border Patrol Sector has been the busiest border sector in recent months, as reported by Breitbart Texas. The sector is comprised of nine stations that, on Friday, apprehended 1,600 migrants, according to the source. The number represents a minor lead over the 1,300 apprehended in Eagle Pass on the same day. The resources available to the Texas border city of a mere 30,000 residents pales compared to the larger metropolitan areas of Tucson and Phoenix. --->READ MORE HERE
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