Wednesday, August 28, 2013

If the House fails to pass a bill defunding Obamacare does it become....BoehnerCare?

H/T RomneyMan
Tea Party activists are planning a rally outside Speaker John Boehner’s (R) Ohio office on Tuesday, vowing they will rebrand President Obama’s healthcare reform law “BoehnerCare" if he does not get behind a conservative effort to defund the legislation. 
“If he funds it, he will own it,” said Janet Porter, president of Faith2Action, one of the groups scheduled to participate in the rally, according to The Washington Times. 
Boehner, along with congressional GOP leaders like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), has yet to voice support for the effort.
A group of right-wing lawmakers vowed before the August recess to block any spending bills that would also fund the law, risking a government shutdown after Sept. 30. 
Republicans have routinely labeled the law “ObamaCare.” The president and most of the public have embraced the term. 
Conservative radio host Mark Levin used the term “BoehnerCare” on his nationally syndicated radio program last week.
Read the rest of the story HERE and listen to Levin below:

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RomneyMan said...

No, perhaps it may be called 'Finally standing up to the extreme right of the party whom have zero idea how to win national elections Care'

BOSMAN said...

If Boehner makes a HALF-ASSED attempt at trying to defund Obamacare, then yes, he should own it.

What's the point of having a Speaker who continuously is unable in getting the will of the majority of HISS PARTY accomplished. He needs to remember who put him there. Boehnercare sounds just as bad as Obamacare. A Train wreck is a Train wreck.

RomneyMan said...


Not sure it you're aware, but in Jan '09, ObamaCare was passed into law.

Joel2013 said...

The nation is well aware of the passage of the most bi-partisan law in history. Never mind, this isn't it. Like Roe vs. Wade, just because a law is passed does not mean it doesn't have severe consequences. The fact that this law is so unpopular because of its damaging effects is already self-evident. This was poor legislation from the get-go and should have never passed, but unfortunately it did. And sorry, simply because the house does not defund it, it doesn't make it anyone else's responsibility but the original authors of the law and the elected officials who helped pass it originally.

RomneyMan said...

Romney's clueless campaign blew the election. Even more laughable was the senate 'attempts', which resulted in a loss of GOP senate heads.
All = lost any last chance to do the CORRECT thing when one does not like a law- repeal it (let's forget about the fact that there's nothing to 'replace' it with lol).
So, throwing their toys out of the pram, a few of the extermes of the party wish to (laugh) defund it.
Hopefully, the adults will rise up and not pander to the extreme elements of the party.
BTW, try having a house passed and then GOP approved senate ALTERNATIVE before they play waldorf and statler.

Anonymous said...

This is exactly why our party is consistently losing ground. We have silly people like Mark Levin throwing stink bombs every single day--against our own.

ObamaCare is not BoehnerCare, and never will or can be. THIS is not the fight to have.


Ohio JOE said...

"Not sure it you're aware, but in Jan '09, ObamaCare was passed into law." Slavery was once the law of the land too, but eventually, we overturned it. Next arguement ......

Ohio JOE said...

"ObamaCare is not BoehnerCare, and never will or can be. THIS is not the fight to have." Yes it is Martha, 2014 will mark the first time that I vote for a Libertarian for Congress. I will also try to get a lawn sign.

Anonymous said...

OJ, Just to be sure you and others do not misunderstand me. Calling ObamaCare BoehnerCare is the fight I do not think we should have.

We need to fight ObamaCare, but I'm not convinced that defunding it right now is the best way to gain ground. The priority should be to eventually get the votes to throw it out.


RomneyMan said...

OJi compares Obamacare to slavery.

lol, now there's a dean of straw man arguments.

Joel2013 said...

Romneyman continues his ongoing and ridiculous assault on our past candidate without recognizing our country would be in a much better position today if an illiterate society had not voted for the clown in office today. Romney was the answer to the challenges we faced as a nation. None of this nonsense would be taking place right now if we had a real leader instead of an entitlement president in office. Instead we are the brunt of jokes in the international circles. No one takes us seriously anymore. And why should they?

Ohio JOE said...

"lol, now there's a dean of straw man arguments." Uh, no, the straw man has nothing to do with it.

cimbri said...

Rs should have originally negotiated with the Ds in the ACA debate. Instead, they listened to the dead enders, Rush and the gang, and ended up with a devastating defeat. They could have at least mitigated the law, and made it more palatable.