The other day in an interview, former Obama Senior Adviser calla all the impeachment talk, 'absurd'
Not so:
To the legacy media, that shriveling adjunct of the White House press office, the story is not why Americans would think it worth asking whether the president should be impeached. It is, as one would expect, why some prominent Republicans are dignifying the question with serious answers.
Senator Ted Cruz of Texas is in trouble, naturally. Being an unapologetic conservative, tea-party stalwart, and happy warrior has made him the preferred punching bag of the media and other Beltway dinosaurs — their hysteria meter always tells you who worries them most. Asked at a conservative gathering in the Houston suburbs “why don’t we impeach” the president, Cruz respectfully replied that this was a “good question.” He then gave a good answer: “We don’t have the votes.”
Unlike Cruz, who became Texas’s solicitor general after graduating from Harvard Law School, Senator Tom Coburn is a medical doctor, not an accomplished constitutional lawyer. He is also more of a Washington fixture than the rambunctious freshman: After six years in the House, Coburn is now well into his second (and what he says is his last) term in the Senate. It was there that he became chummy with young Senator Barack Obama during the latter’s pit stop on the way to the Oval Office.
The friendship, like the country, is fraying thanks to Obama’s imperious and profligate presidency. At a town-hall meeting this week with some of Coburn’s constituents in Oklahoma, a voter observed that the administration is “lawless” and put this exasperated question to the seasoned lawmaker: “Who is responsible for enforcing [the president’s] constitutional responsibilities?”
That would be Congress. Outside of Cruz and a handful of likeminded upstarts, when the topic involves accountability, congressmen’s default mode is evasion. Nevertheless, Coburn did not duck. He answered: “I don’t have the legal background to know” whether the “serious things” raised by the voter “rise[] to ‘high crimes and misdemeanors.’ But I think you’re getting perilously close.”
On cue, Obama’s media cried foul. And it really is Obama’s media: The main push-back came from David Axelrod, formerly the top Obama White House spinmeister. Through the familiar lefty-political-operative-turns-lefty-media-operative revolving door, Axelrod is now an NBC/MSNBC spinmeister. He belittled Coburn’s “considered legal opinion as an obstetrician” — which is the thanks the self-deprecating Coburn gets for conceding his lack of legal training. He then accused the senator of spreading “a kind of virus that has infected our politics” . . . which, I suppose, is Axelrod’s considered medical opinion as a windbag.Read the rest of the story HERE.
You might find this interesting. The Canada Free Press has complied a list (H/T Joel2013) of what they consider 50 Impeachable Crimes. It's worth a look.
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You can sure tell it's August.
This is exactly how the wheels began to turn for impeachment. It begins with a small handful of legislatures questioning the criminal acts, then others join the movement until it snowballs. It is ridiculed by those from the opposing party as being off base, but sooner or later a case will be made to either proceed or not proceed. The fact there is open dialogue on the issue makes it all to apparent this administration has created an environment where many are questioning their acts. etc. One can make light of and ridicule the discussions on impeachment, but it is a serious matter not to be dismissed so easily.
Never going to happen
This is the most lawless administration in my lifetime, no question about it. I would hope that there is still enough sensibility among Americans to recognize what is happening right out in the open. Obama doesn't even try to hide his actions. That is what bothers me the most--his audacity and arrogance in flaunting the rule of law, the Constitution, etc. It just sickens me. But sadly, Americans are asleep and do not care.
"This is the most lawless administration in my lifetime, no question about it." WOW, I agree with Martha.
Lawlessness doesn't seem to bother Romneyman, he is asleep at the wheel.
Man, who needs a calendar. Just read the junk and see it's August.
August of what year?
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