Monday, June 24, 2013

OPEN LETTER OF VINDICATION: To Dick Morris, Karl Rove, and Ann Coulter #MittVindicated

Open Letter To Karl Rove, Dick Morris, Ann Coulter, and others who predicted a Romney win:

You were right. The very hour the press called the 2012 presidential election for Barack Obama, you were insulted, jeered at, and humiliated for "wrongly" predicting a Romney win.

You are officially vindicated by the breaking of the IRS scandal.

Your critics cited their polls, which we all knew were heavily sampled to the advantage of Democrats, and they criticized your analysis, which used more balanced sampling. Gallup was even chastised by the White House for failing to adopt their approved polling methods. It turns out the president's friends knew something you didn't. Not that the demographics of the electorate had suddenly shifted to +11 Democrats, but that Republican votes were being proficiently and insidiously suppressed using various methods—none so powerful as the authority to delay and/or revoke tax exempt status and the ability of organizations to receive donations. There can be no doubt that this corruption in the IRS, as widespread as it is from Cleveland, OH to Washington D.C., is a reflection on the attitudes and modus operandi of Barack Obama himself, and most certainly those who campaigned for him.

In fact, a seed of doubt has been planted in all our hearts. Maybe President Obama didn't win his re-election at all. An analysis by Dean Chambers shows that the groundwork Tea Party groups could have done in key battleground states was materially damaged by the IRS actions, which discouraged donations to these not-for-profit groups. Indeed, the president's campaigners in the IRS achieved their desired effect: intimidation of the incumbent's political enemies.

Wall Street Journal writer Peggy Noonan references the work of economist Stan Veuger at the American Enterprise Institute in a piece that questions the validity of the 2012 election results. To quote Mr. Veuger, “the Tea Party movement’s huge success [in 2010] was not the result of a few days of work by an elected official or two, but involved activists all over the country who spent the year and a half leading up to the midterm elections volunteering, organizing, donating, and rallying. Much of these grassroots activities were centered around 501(c)4s, which according to our research were an important component of the Tea Party movement and its rise.... The data show that had the Tea Party groups continued to grow at the pace seen in 2009 and 2010, and had their effect on the 2012 vote been similar to that seen in 2010, they would have brought the Republican Party as many as 5-8.5 million votes compared to Obama’s victory margin of 5 million.”

As if the 501(c)4 targeting scandal wasn't enough bullying, IRS officials have also been discovered guilty of giving private donor lists and tax information to the liberal news group ProPublica, who blew the whistle on the IRS only after their favored candidate had safely been re-planted in the White House. 

The derision aimed at Tea Party and religious groups who claimed IRS abuses—in light of the vindicated truth of their claims—is enough to boil any patriot's blood. And it demands credibility be given to other disturbing reports.

Was there voter fraud? There were reports of widespreadvoter fraud, immediately decried as concoctions of the GOP, on election day and thereafter. Any attempt, such as those by True the Vote, to ensure the laws were followed was met by accusations of voter suppression. This is like the pot calling the kettle black. The votes suppressed by a policy of verifying voter identity are surely not as numerous as the votes disenfranchised when false votes are dumped into the polls.

The same government and press machine that ignored reported abuses by the IRS is also ignoring reported abuses of the voting system. But whether those in power address these questions or not, a wide shadow has been cast upon the legitimacy of President Barack Obama's second term.

At least half the country doubts he even has the right to be there, let alone his competency and integrity in governing this great nation.

So here we are. Three major scandals against President Obama and his administration. There seems to be a new one every week. Perhaps more will come to light in the coming months. While Mitt Romney supporters envisioned the economy's downfall eventually bringing people to their senses, the reality of these scandals is, if possible, even more eye-opening, even more damning to our national sense of honor.

There is no pathway to legitimacy for this presidency. And yet there is no going back to November 2012 either. We seem stuck with an administration so determinedly devoted to bullying the people, growing government, and ignoring our many financial crises. As Red State writer John Hayward notes, "There is no 'rewind' button.  That’s why the legitimacy of elections must be secured in advance.  There is no way to settle serious issues afterward; even if some malefactors are found and punished, the outcome of a manipulated election remains."

We have seen the results of a complacent press and an uninformed electorate. Press-intimidation, political persecution, and a flagrant refusal of accountability are the pillars of this administration. All we can do going forward is ensure it never happens again. Not only must our voting system be audited and secured, but government employees, appointees, and officials must be held to account for their sins against the American people.

Please join your voices with ours in decrying those attempts to blame the 2012 loss on anyone or anything other than the government corruption to which it owes. Governor Mitt Romney was not the problem. President Barack Obama, the man we once trusted with the highest office in the land, has betrayed the trust of the people in the most subversive and dishonorable ways.

Because the IRS was successful in silencing voters and patriots prior to the election, we must not allow our voices to be silenced now. This isn't a topic that is going to get old and stale. Cries that Republicans are "overplaying their hand" over these scandals are simply another attempt to intimidate us into silence.

Americans of all stripes have been betrayed. Thanks to the press, many Americans still do not fully comprehend just how deep that betrayal goes. We call on you to illustrate what has been lost—what could have been—until the public has been given the opportunity to understand it completely. 

Thank you,

Katrina Lantz
Jared Townsend
Elaine Sloan
Kathy DeVore
Janie Barnett 
Paulee L. Willette
Mike Van Fossen
Sharon Uchida
Maritess Artiaga Penafiel
Faith Earl Brown 
Mary Ellen Hawk 
Lauren Skye Solheim
Charlotte Cole Collins
Patricia Birdsall
Patsy R. DeLye
Barbara Wanless
Debra Harrington
Robert St Jacques 
Bryson Mull
Christina Andrada
Kathye Zaper
Carmen Cooper
Brian J. Symes
Leigh R Adelmann

Addendum: The addressees of the letter are authorized to use it or quote from it in their respective media platforms.

Others who predicted a Romney win:

Dick Morris                               @DickMorrisTweet      Facebook: Dick Morris
Karl Rove                                  @KarlRove                  Facebook: Karl Rove
Ann Coulter                               @AnnCoulter               Facebook: Ann Coutler
Fred Barnes                               @FredBarnes              Facebook: Fred Barnes
Wayne Allyn Root                      @WayneRoot              Facebook: Wayne Root  
JD Hayworth                              @jdhayworth2010       Facebook: JD Hayworth
Charles Krauthammer                 @krauthammer            Facebook: Krauthammer
Quin Hillyer                                 @QuinHillyer              Facebook: Quin Hillyer
Frank Luntz                                 @FrankLuntz              Facebook: Dr. Frank Luntz
Bill Kristol                                      N/A                         Facebook: William Kristol
Ron Kessler                                 @RonaldKessler        Facebook: Ronald Kessler
Steve Forbes                               @SteveForbesCEO   Facebook: Steve Forbes
Ben Shapiro                                 @benshapiro             Facebook: Ben Shapiro
Michael Barone                            @MichaelBarone       Facebook: Michael Barone
Colorado University Professors    @cubouldernews        Facebook: CU Boulder
Intrade                                         @Intrade                    N/A

Join us on twitter and facebook to let them know: they've been #MittVindicated
All day on June 24, 2013
If you missed the Tea Party rally in DC (June 19), watch the full video here.

FOLLOW UP: Why We Must Not "Move On" 

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BOSMAN said...

I know I was surprised as all hell that night. Who knew their was a war going on behind the scenes against Tea Party, Conservative Groups, and Romney supporters. ALL with one goal in mind..SUPPRESS THE VOTE AND SUPPORT FOR ROMNEY.

And here we all thought, it was just the liberal media...ONE HELL OF A WAKE-UP CALL for the American People

RomneyMan said...

I note that an expert like myself was not congratulated.
Noting how, almost daily I was accurately predicting the sate of the rate, pointing out mistakes and remedies etc.
The result? Every sate correct save FL.
Next time, try sticking with true experts that know what they're talking about.

RomneyMan said...

"Please join your voices with ours in decrying those attempts to blame the 2012 loss on anyone or anything other than the government corruption to which it owes."

lol, and add a hefty does of perhaps the worst presidential campaign in history into the mix too.

Katrina L. Lantz said...

Definitely a wake-up call, Bos! Mitt Romney would have won without these perversions of government power. This is important because it allows us to focus on what we need to do as a party and stop blaming some mythical "establishment candidate" for failing to "rally the base." The truth is the base was persecuted, harassed, by the entire power of the U.S. government, and that is no small thing. Every American should be shocked.

"RomneyMan," indeed you were not one of the experts I consulted for this letter. How could I have overlooked a man of your obvious credentials? Which are?

Helen Selander said...

I appreciate this article as it brings up points I had not considered. However (and please correct me if I'm wrong), isn't the article saying, in essence, that the IRS intimidation of conservative and religious groups was, indeed, SUCCESSFUL--that these people WERE, INDEED, INTIMIDATED, and, therefore, didn't vote for Mitt Romney--or worse, voted for Barack Obama? Wouldn't that completely destroy the purpose for the organizations were created to begin with? In my mind, that's completely absurd--and it creates, in the mind of some readers, the idea that those who were targeted are VICTIMS WITHOUT A CHOICE! The fight for liberty is filled with FREEDOM FIGHTERS--or it should be, not those who would even BEGIN to be intimidated by the IRS. Annoyed, saddened, furious, yes, but NOT INTIMIDATED!

Let us absolutely get to the core causes of Barack Obama's win, whether it be voter fraud or simply the fact that too many people want to live on the dole, etc. But let's not give any of our countrymen the excuse to be victims. Yes, many were "victimized" by the IRS, but this does not make them VICTIMS IN THEIR HEARTS!

Let us forever remember the battle cry of Patrick Henry, when he said, "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains or slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!" --March 23, 1775 (The link to his speech is below, and well worth reading.)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this Katrina!

I remember about a week before the election, my sister and I were talking and she said she had seen an interview in which Stephanie Cutter assured us that Obama would win. She had a smirk on her face as if she knew something. Right then, my sister knew something was going on.

Is this proof? Nope, but it sure fits everything we know about Obama, doesn't it? Is there ANY doubt in your mind that Barack Obama would steal an election if he could?? OF COURSE HE WOULD, and he did. They started planning this the day after the 2010 election.


Katrina L. Lantz said...

Helen, I admire your patriotism! Indeed, we need more heroes like you in the country and in the party. I think in this case it isn't a question of allowing ourselves to be bullied. It isn't that people were bullied out of voting (although there have been reports of the Black Panthers doing their thing again which I'm sure is pretty intimidating). It's that these groups were unable to receive donations, severely limiting their outreach efforts. They didn't just give up, but they were stunted. Some types of political persecution can be overcome, like posting to social media when the press ignores us. But some types--being thrown in jail, spending thousands in legal fees to defend ourselves against frivolous IRS lawsuits--are much more difficult. These types of political persecution strictly limit our freedoms because they limit our access to resources. Think of it like this: the Obama administration effectively attacked our supply wagon en route, cutting off our army from much needed food and provisions.

It wasn't only underhanded, what they did was illegal. That's why we've held hearings to find out who needs to be held accountable. But no matter who gets fired, it doesn't change what already happened. America was robbed because of this administration's political persecution of its foes.

Katrina L. Lantz said...

Martha, I do think it accounts for some of the strange behavior leading up to the election. For instance, why didn't President Obama even prepare for the first debate with Mitt Romney? The outcome of the election was already decided. Everything they did was only to add to the appearance that the president would win. So when it appeared Mitt might win after that first debate, President Obama had to fight harder. Similarly, Gallup was targeted by the DOJ after putting out a poll unfavorable to President Obama. That was reported in the credible press and is not simply conspiracy theory. The polls needed to side with the president, even if they skewed the sampling +11 Democrats, because otherwise people would suspect foul play. Obviously, we still suspect foul play, and the IRS scandal and all its revelations just serve to convince us further.

Anonymous said...

Did you see this on Drudge?

IRS cheif says terms like Israel, occupy and progressive were other terms singled out for special screening.

But what he fails to mention is that the applications with leftist terms were NOT HELD UP or given more scrutiny. Otherwise, we would have heard of AT LEAST ONE case where a leftist group was targeted.

But crickets.

NO leftist groups had any problem at all. They were most likely expedited.

Nice try, but no cigar fella.


Katrina L. Lantz said...

Yeah, I saw that! Of course they screened them, too. That was the game. Screen for key words and give preference to those on the left.


While I agree that in all probability there was massive voter fraud and election tampering by the Democrats in the 2012 election cycle - So what else is new? - it's kind of hard to march in the streets or raise hell about it when Romney and Ryan themselves don't raise the issue, but in fact go out of their way to announce that they lost the election fair and square.

If Romney and Ryan aren't losing any sleep over the so-called "stolen" election, why should anyone else?

Sorry to spoil the pity party.

Katrina L. Lantz said...

If you've been watching, you saw Ryan get very impassioned at the IRS hearings, and Romney in a recent interview talked about how upsetting it was to learn the IRS targeting of conservative groups wasn't just anecdotal but that it was going on the whole time. In private, I'm sure they can throw a fit if they like, but what would you have them do in public? Pull an Al Gore and demand a recount? That won't do any good. It's up to regular Americans to raise a fuss about the integrity of our elections. That's what we're doing here today. And it's what the Tea Party did in DC last week! The point isn't pity, it's power to the people!

Right Wingnut said...

Of course there was voter fraud. What else is new? I'm certain there was voter fraud in 2000 and 2004 as well. Until something is done about it (fat chance), the only way to counteract it is to overwhelm them with turnout.

Anonymous said...

RW, nice idea, but how are we going to do that. Our 2016 candidates are just not up to to it. I don't know it anyone is.


Anonymous said...

This election was stolen. Ever since the IRS scandal broke, I have believed that the election was stolen by this administration. They used the full power of the federal gov't to suppress the Romney vote. It was indeed like having the supply wagons attacked behind the scenes. The fact that the press ignored the story last year is unbelievable but not surprising. Helen, I know you mean well, but what the gov't did was suppress the groups from acting under the law and protecting their donors. If nothing else, leaking donors' names through the IRs is criminal behavior no matter how you try to excuse them as "accidents."


Right Wingnut said...


If the past few months isn't enough to get conservatives to the polls, we are truly doomed.

I was as critical of Mitt as anyone, yet I got off my ass and stood in line for an HOUR to vote for him. I can't make anyone else do it.

By the way, Martha......If I recall, you didn't vote for the "R" ticket in 2008. Hmmm......

Anonymous said...

Ok... I have said that the election had suspicious results.

Questions is... what can be done about it ????

Believe me when I say I wanted Mitt to win... just as much or more than anyone else. At this point... the only thing we can hope for is that perhaps he will change his mind and run again in 2016.

Btw, RomneyMann... Mitt did not run the worst election in history. O was going to be hard to defeat to begin with... and Mitt was the only one whom had any chance of defeating Obama. And while Mitt did not win... it was damn close... O nearly lost.

Anonymous said...

RW, True, but it didn't matter a bit because I'm in OR where my vote counted for exactly nothing. I wrote in Mitt for the heck of it. Probably a silly thing to do, but whatever.

You can bet your life that if it mattered I would have voted McCain.


Anonymous said...

RW, and it it makes any difference, I have mended my ways since then.


Right Wingnut said...

How do you mean, "mended my ways?"

Just curious...

BTW, I've pretty much put the Romney stuff behind me. There isn't much we can do about it now.

Anonymous said...

RW, I hope you are at lest with us in getting thee gov't held accountable for suppressing votes using the IRS, and leaking donors' names to their political enemies. Those are criminal offenses and someone should go to jail. If we don't keep on our reps these things will be buried and Obama wins again.