Saturday, June 29, 2013

Why We Must Not "Move On" #MittVindicated

First of all, thank you to everyone who re-posted and syndicated our Open Letter of Vindication! Since Monday it has been shared somewhere around 1500 times on facebook, and thus seen by hundreds of thousands of facebook friends and groupies.

The #MittVindicated hash tag is still fledgling but gaining notoriety, and I ask you to continue using it whenever you discuss what happened to conservatives between the 2010 midterm elections and the 2012 presidential election.

It's a symbol of our eyes opening, our complete understanding of what took place. It's a symbol of oppression and our defiance in the face of that oppression.

Reject voices that tell you it's time to "move on."
I'm pretty sure the election happened. This is the problem Republican leadership has - they look backward, not forward... I, like the President, do not agree with the IRS's conduct. Again, let's move on.- unnamed liberal Democrat
"Move on" is the rallying cry of the Left and has been for a long time. Heaven forbid we pause to take inventory or assess the damage. Heaven forbid we take a close reading of documents or a long listen to spine-chilling testimony.

The press used the breaking of the IRS scandal and the AP wiretapping scandal to cover the shocking evidence brought at the Benghazi hearings, which even MSNBC's Morning Joe admitted as damning to the Obama administration. Public attention immediately shifted, naturally, to the "mind-boggling" revelations of the IRS hearings and the loud voices of journalists who now have far fewer willing sources among government employees, thanks to the Obama Department of Justice policy of punishing both whistleblowers and journalists.

Just as outrage reached a crest in the IRS hearings with the testimony of this fantastic lady....

... it was overshadowed by the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden who showed us documents proving the existence of PRISM, the NSA's catch-all internet surveillance operation.

No scandal has been addressed by more than lip service, and yet the people are expected to forget them as soon as the next is revealed. Are we cattle, turning in the direction we're led and then turning again?

No. We're free men. And we will not turn at the crack of a bullwhip.

This is the ideological battle of our time. Freedom or compulsory compliance? These are our only choices. Those running the government have made that clear with recent revelations. They wanted us to know. They expect us to be afraid.

Together, these scandals paint a dark picture of life in modern America. Together, they inspire fear, silence, and despair.

Don't let them strike fear into your heart. Don't let them silence you. Don't let them cast you into despair.

WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA are the harbingers of hope for the world. We spread it whenever we stand up for what is right, whenever we exercise our God-given rights.

On that count, there's a lot of work to be done. This rash of scandalous revelations has simultaneously opened our eyes to the election tampering of 2012 while prodding us to move forward to the next scandal, and the next one. Is there any end to them? We've reached CRITICAL MASS!

Who benefits by all these crimes coming out at once? Not the American people! Time was, back in the 1970's, when just one scandal was enough to end a presidency in resignation and shame. By putting these out one on top of the other, the press has stripped us of our righteous indignation. We're scattered all over the place, some putting more importance on this scandal, others on that scandal. Our efforts to organize and see justice served for these crimes is palpably injured by the sheer volume of them!

So yes, let's move on by holding people responsible, including those who put up the enemies list on, those who stole and leaked confidential donor information to the liberal press, those who sent out forms asking "the content of your prayers," and those whom whistleblowers tell us started the whole thing... the Obama campaign. When someone you love is murdered, you don't "move on" by saying, "Gee, that's too bad." You seek justice. Half the country was disenfranchised by the corruption of government by the Democrat administration in power. Of course they want to move on, so they can focus on accusations of GOP racism and things that make them feel comfortable in their party identity again.

Both parties have corruption and human foible. Only one used the IRS, DOJ, ATF, OSHA, EPA and the press in collaboration to silence their political foes. I'll move on when that's been set right.

I'll move on when justice has been served and when everybody hears the truth that the press has glossed over-- this election was tampered with, grossly.

I'm not comfortable living in a third world dictatorship where the incumbent used all the powers of government to ensure his continued rule. I'm particularly not comfortable when that incumbent has questionable ties to people who have declared themselves enemies to the U.S., has ignored or slighted our allies and strengthened our terrorists, has decimated the economy and just announced plans to do even more to raise energy costs for regular Americans.

To Democrats, go ahead and move on with your political gamesmanship.

I'm going to stay right here in reality where elections do indeed have consequences, and the integrity of elections matters. 

I live in a world where the economy is still languishing, where Americans suffer under budget constraints while government entities and employees take lavish retreats and laugh at the little people, where Christians are being burned around the world and our president says nothing, where culture decays anything that promises a secure future and our president defends the right to pleasure while denying the needs of his people.

We can't simply "move on." Wishing will not make things better.

  • Praying will. 
  • Speaking out in every forum available to you will. 
  • Running for office 
  • Calling your elected officials, particularly those in the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee
  • Starting a new conservative blog or online magazine 
  • Using #MittVindicated on twitter and facebook
  • Correcting lies and misinformation put out by the propaganda press
  • Attending your local GOP meetings
  • Putting up signs to support causes and candidates
  • Protesting peaceably
  • Teaching people what the public schools will not about the Constitution
  • Using your expertise in the law to rescue the oppressed
  • Handing out voter registration forms to closet conservatives
  • Organize. Band together. Stand alone. Do what needs doing.
Every single one of us has talents and connections, sometimes ones which are unavailable to others. You have a purpose. You have a calling in this ideological battle. The one way we know of to counteract rampant voter fraud and suppression is by overwhelming the polls with legitimate votes. They didn't see 2010's "shellacking" coming. They worked hard to suppress us in the years leading up to 2012. Let's make sure they can't stop us in 2014 and 2016. 

Don't despair. HOPE begins with YOU.

p.s. There are new scandals breaking practically every week. While this is a challenge for the president's critics as we discern truth from exaggeration, it's also a wonderful thing to have these injustices brought to light. It's much easier to fight an evil that is out in the open. Stay abreast of these stories and what they reveal about the workings of our corrupt and expansive government. We may not have to wait until 2016 to see our values truly vindicated on a national level. As the truth comes out, it rings loud and clear: The truth shall set us free.

If you like what you see, please "Like" us on Facebook either here or here. Please follow us on Twitter here.


Anonymous said...

Katrina, wonderful job explaining exactly what is going on.

I share your anger, and I wish I shared your optimism. Thanks for keeping this alive. It's so important!


Katrina L. Lantz said...

Thank you, Martha! That anger is the first step. Optimism is the next. :) Only faith that our actions matter will spur us to act. I promise you, our actions DO matter. First comes culture, then comes law. Good values win when we spread them. You do that by participating in these discussions, and probably in other ways I'm not privy to. :) Keep it up! Your voice is sorely needed.

Right Wingnut said...

This will ring hollow as long as you continue to support Rubio's efforts to shove millions of additional Democrat voters down our throats.

Anonymous said...

Nice job!!! Katrina. I will share this. We must not quit!
God Bless you, Paulee here...

Katrina L. Lantz said...

Hi, Paulee! Hear, hear! Glad to be "marching" with you, as it were!

RWN, fortunately, you do not determine whether or not my activism "rings hollow" based on your own ideals. I favor taking a close reading and long listen (see the article above) at all relevant documents and speeches before deciding for or against something. I try not to go off internet memes for my information.

Right Wingnut said...

RWN, fortunately, you do not determine whether or not my activism "rings hollow" based on your own ideals.

Since I typed it, it is clearly my opinion, but I believe you are in the minority on the right on that issue, and are clearly wrong! JMO.

Your support of legalization of millions of Democrat voters without adequate border security will make your stated goals much more difficult, if not impossible within 15 years. It will effectively destroy the Republican party as a national power.

I favor taking a close reading and long listen (see the article above) at all relevant documents and speeches before deciding for or against something. I try not to go off internet memes for my information.

Your assumption that I rely on internet memes for my decision making couldn't be more wrong. You've been defending Rubio since day one on this. You've been duped.

Katrina L. Lantz said...

RWN, read more closely. I never implied that you go off of internet memes. I only asserted that I do not.

As far as immigration, I'm not sure which of my comments you're referring to, but I have always made my desire for strong border security clear. Growing up in the southwest I understand more than most how important it is. "Legal" status, however, is not the same as citizenship. If people are working here, they should get a worker's visa so they can be appropriately taxed and their comings and goings tracked. That's all.

Since this post is not about immigration, I can't be certain what you're referring to. Best of luck to you in your quest to strengthen the Republican party. We have the same goal there, though I've focused my efforts specifically on online activism and culture awareness. As I said in the post above, we all have talents and together we can make a big difference. It's a unity message. The more divided we become, the more our adversaries win.