Monday, June 24, 2013

The most ridiculous thing I've read all week

Always-unfiltered Rep. Jim McDermott penned a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller Wednesday claiming a Joint Terrorism Task Force ‘Faces of Global Terrorism’ ad is racist. 
McDermott, a Democrat from Washington state, voiced his “deep concern” about the ad, which shows mug shots of international terrorists, and asked the FBI chief to “reconsider publicizing” it. 
According to McDermott, the “ad featuring sixteen photos of wanted terrorists is not only offensive to Muslims and ethnic minorities, but it encourages racial and religious profiling.”
McDermott continued, “Representing terrorists, however, from only one ethnic or religious group, promotes stereotypes and ignores other forms of extremism. The FBI’s ‘Most Wanted Terrorists List‘ includes individuals of other races and associated with other religions and causes, but their faces are missing from this campaign.” 
McDermott’s point is that two of the people on the FBI’s thirty-two person ‘Most Wanted Terrorists List’ do not have connections to Islam. (emphasis mine)
Read the rest HERE.

Yeah Jim..maybe we should ask some non-Muslims to blow up a few planes or behead we can slap their photo up on this list?

You see, what he's also saying is, They All Look alike..and we're all to stupid to be able to recognize someone from a photo.

Take your concept of sensitivity and political correctness over SECURITY and stick it where the sun don't shine.

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Anonymous said...

He is such a complete knucklehead.


Anonymous said...

McDermott is right, only because his blind ignorance is just as dangerous as their Jihad.

-Tod Mac

Anonymous said...

You might want to go in and correct the spelling in your title: ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

If the shoe fits, wear it. Who cares what color you are? I say that about the terrorists, and also about the labels being applied to Jim McDermott. How do such buffoons get elected to Congress? He makes stupid people look brilliant by comparison....