CNN's Anderson Cooper asks Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt...over...and...over ...and over to answer a question about Obama's willingness to attack Mitt Romney's Bain-Capital experience while accepting large donations from private equity firms himself.
LaBolt rambles on incoherently throughout the whole interview:
Someone should send the tape from this interview to the North Rowan High School Principal. I hear they're looking for a new teacher. LaBolt would fit right in:
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how not to be a spokesman 101.
I had to listen to the interview twice to see if I could understand the point that Obama's spokesman was trying to make.
It didn't help. I'm still lost.
This guy is a moron!
Love Anderson's exasperated look on his face by the end.
If this is the best spokesperson the Obama campaign can come up with, it shows how pathetic their message is. - Moi
Not once did the guy ever answer the question. They have no effective counter argument because there isn't one. It is hypocrisy.
Obama mocks private equity, and his donors do private equity. Obama mocks Romney dog care, but eats dogs.
Obama bullied a girl in high school and is drugged out for two years of high school, but mocks a haircut prank.
Obama claims Romney does negative ads, but he sneaks into opponents' divorce records to get elected.
Obama questions Romney's religion, while he attended Muslim/Indonesian schools growing up that required him to abandon citizenship from all countries except Indonesia.
Obama says Romney's business experience needs more scrutiny, but he seals records of his grades!
Obama feels we ought to pry into Romney while Obama's political mentor is a terrorist?!
There is a word for this. HYPOCRITE. Another word works too: FRAUD.
Now I do not use the word, hypocrite, lightly. Some feel it means to not measure up to one's ideals. No, that is imperfection.
The real definition of hypocrite is a person who attacks others for doing what they, themselves, are doing. It implies concealing their violations while accusing another of those violations. Obama is much worse than a hypocrite, but he is a major hypocrite. We do remember that Obama conceals his academic record.
Obama also likes to criticize Americans for having too much debt. This hypocrisy is my personal favorite.
Romney's record is impressive degrees from Harvard. But Obama believes his business experience needs scrutiny?
Obama praised Charlie Rangel after he failed to report $75,000 in rental income from the villa he owned in the Dominican Republic. Mr. Rangel is a lawyer who has been a member of the tax-writing committee for three decades. But now calls Romney a business rapist?
What does this make Obama? A business murderer?
What does this make Obama? A business murderer?
Yes. But we knew that already.
Interesting. He claims that Romney can't substantiate job creation. What is Staples, Dominos, Burlington Coat Factory, The Sports Authority... etc, etc, etc.
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