Monday, October 3, 2011

Is the Chris Christie talk just a little Smoke-n-Mirrors in hopes that Perry can re-group?

I was thinking for the past week, why Fox News has spent so much time playing up an impossible possibility of a Christie run when Christie has indicated on several occasions that he's not interested, has lots to do yet in New Jersey, and feels that he is not ready for prime time with only two years under his belt as a Governor.

Then I thought to myself, perhaps it's all coming up now to only CHANGE THE SUBJECT from Rick Perry's implosion. Perhaps this is a last ditch effort by the anyone but Romney crowd to allow Perry to regroup and try and pick up the pieces of what has been a train wreck from day one. Kind of .....time for a NEW START.

Everyone is talking Christie now and perhaps the real hope is that Perry does some homework and debate prep before the next go round. I know it's a stretch, but ask yourself, have the "Perry is all done" stories subsided or at least slowed down? The few that are out there (just Google) seem to be geared towards, "Can Perry come back?".."What's Perry got to do to regain...". The "Perry is Toast" type headlines seemed to have vanished....While the SILLY REPUBLICANS continue to talk about a Christie candidacy that AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN this time around. I'm wondering if Fox News is betting on this and hoping there is something to that old saying, that time heals all wounds.

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Anonymous said...

A very interesting theory only because the results that you write about seemed to be backed up in reality.

Other thab Cain calling Perry out, the Perry focus has been limited.

larry said...

You could be right Bos. The problem is that Perry isn't the type to clean up his act.

Once an arrogant jerk always an arrogant jerk.

Machtyn said...

It is an interesting thought. Although, I think the people looking at a Christie throw down, really want him to throw down (meaning get in).

Perry hasn't done any prep work for any of his previous debates and his team has gone on record that they are going to do more of the same. That's really got his supporters worried. Like lemmings, they all started running for the next "Not Mitt".

Anonymous said...

The Christie talk has really dropped a lot of coverage of Perry from the news.

The only stories I read about Perry tend to be negative ones.

That is not something a presidential candidate would want.

Herman Cain is also getting a lot of press.

I expect when more polling comes out Romney will be on top, Cain second and Perry way down.

I think it will be very difficult for Perry to alter his image at this point. People were told he was an impressive and strong candidate and he turned out to be weak.

Like Fred Thompson in 2007, once the label stuck it was all down hill from there...

Revolution 2012 said...

It certainly makes sense.

If this was true and ever came out, Murdoch and Fox News would lose what ever credibility they had left and would go the way of the dodo bird.

Machtyn said...

Revolution. Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps they think the Fox viewers have short teem memory. Perhaps they are correct.

Whenever I've seen a story that garnered my attention, I've rarely seen follow-up stories that should have come up months down the road.

Another potential piece of evidence, it was "Bachmann, who?" after Perry jumped in.

I hate to admit that the Fox News detractors I was critical of during the past couple of years were correct about the station and it's viewers. Unfortunately, I can't prove otherwise with the current condition of their articles, shows and viewer comments. To where can a thinking conservative turn for honest, as unbiased as possible reporting?

ConMan said...

If this is their plan, it won't go on for much longer.

Perry is going nowhere, either way.

Anonymous said...

They all keep you geussing, huh. I believe Fox has better coverage than CNN at least.