Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rick Perry's new attack ad on Mitt Romney rates 3 PINOCCHIOS

The Washington Post had this to say about Perry's ad in an article called, 'Perry’s phony attack ad on changes to Romney’s book':
The key sentence that Perry focuses on in his ad is this one, which is in a chapter on Romney’s successful drive to bring universal health care to his state: “We can accomplish the same thing for everyone in the country, and it can be done without letting government take over health care.” (Page 177.)

In the paperback, the sentence is simply this: “And it was done without the government taking over health care.”(Page 192.)

Now readers should always be suspicious when a politician clips little snippets of a quote and blows them up into an ad. For instance, what is in the paragraph just above this sentence, unchanged in both editions of the book? You will find these two sentences (which can actually be spotted in the Perry ad, if you look quickly enough):

“My own preference would be to let each state fashion its own program to meet the distinct needs of its citizens. States could follow the Massachusetts model if they choose, or they could develop plans of their own.”

In other words, Perry is simply making up the claim that Romney advocated his health-care plan as a model for the rest of the country — and that he deleted words praising it. Perry’s claim is directly contradicted on the very page from which he draws his gotcha quote. (You can see this clearly if you click on this PDF of Pages 176-177, courtesy of our friends at PolitiFact.)

In fact, while Romney has a reputation as a flip-flopper (which this ad tries to exploit), he has been consistent in saying he did not want to import his plan to the rest of the country. When the Massachusetts law was passed in 2006, he appeared on MSNBC and was asked whether it would work for the rest of the country.


The Pinocchio Test

This ad is the kind of gamesmanship that gives politics a bad name. Perry could have made a reasoned attack on the type of health-care reform that Romney supported, but instead he chose to manufacture a phony issue. Romney has long said he did not view his plan as a model for the nation, and he has not wavered on that stance.

Three Pinocchios

Read the rest of the aricle HERE.

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Ben said...

PERRY and his team are LIARS.

What else is new?

Frozone said...

Thought experiment of the day:

Let’s say you want to get someone to actually read the page that contains Romney’s take on MassCare (if 28% still support Perry, many of them are clearly not watching the debates…). Why not make a trivial edit change to the paperback version of your book, manufacture a “controversy”, then start your own whisper campaign. Those that read the entire section will put this quote in context and walk away with the same take that the Luntz group had at the end of the last debate: “Well, that makes sense. No problem there.”

Could this be brilliant political ploy? Has Team Perry played right into this? The more play this gets, the better it will be for Team Romney. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that Perry has been proven wrong several times now. This is either gross incompetence, stupidity, or an inclination to dishonesty. Perhaps it's all three. Still, Romney is definitely better in a word game than Perry, so unless Perry hauls out religious words, I imagine Mitt will win. If they bein a religious word game, who knows how it will end? I hope it doesn't happen; we all deserve better than that!