Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Michele Bachmann responds to Migraine woes

Michele Bachmann took the time yesterday on the campaign trail in South Carolina to respond to growing concerns about her health:

Do you think this is the end of this?

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Right Wingnut said...

Do you think this is the end of this?

This one is never ending, unfotunately for Michele.

Anonymous said...

RW if palin came out and said she at times has migraine headaches, and takes prescriptions for it, I really doubt that you would be against her announcing a run.

Loose Era said...

Precisely. RW Nut is a full bore, C4P hard core Palin apologist. He would NEVER apply his transparent, cynical prouncements about Bachmann to Sillhy Sexy Sarah.

And he is not alone - C4Pers are all over the internet today saying, gleefully, that this is the end of Bachmann. What does that tell you? Palin, and or her disciples, is behind this smear. Very Low.

Anonymous said...

Michelle is the person RWN fears the most. He and the cult at C4P have trashed her 24/7 since the day she announced. They should fear her, she's beating Sarah in all the polls by a landslide. C4P is despicable.

larry said...

Anon :21

She and Perry both have some STRANGE religious views. I don't want anyone who thinks they've been 'called' to run for President.

I want the most competent person who 'wants' the job.

Anonymous said...

Larry, and therin lies the problem. God told Perry to run. God told Bachmann to run. God told Palin to run. Soooooo, who's ear did God really pull, and which of the other two were not listening correctly?

Fair question. Which of these three or four (Pawlenty is pulling the religion card too, in a last ditch effort) REALLY heard the voice of God? And who (all) are using God for political gain?


Right Wingnut said...

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Anonymous said...

As if Bachmann is a threat to Palin, if she runs.


Anonymous said...

Loose Era,

Once again....Got any proof?


Anonymous said...

It was a pretty good response, spoken in a calm, collected, and confident voice. She may be a tough opponent. I doubt this is over. I wonder who will bring this up in the debates. Hopefully Cain.


Anonymous said...

rw, since your so concerned over bachmanns health and calling her done,would you be against a palin run if she revealed she's had migraines from time to time?

Right Wingnut said...



Anonymous said...

RWN. Riiiiiggggghhhht.

Anonymous said...


hamaca said...

Dan--it might actually be the moderator who brings it up.

Larry--I'm with you there.

Ellie--I wouldn't lump Palin in the Bachmann/Perry category, but otherwise good point--how are they going to sort it out? Maybe they should just have a meeting of some sort, vote on which one is the one, and let us know.

RWN--I was feeling the same with a couple of those comments.

BOSMAN said...

The headaches in themselves would not have been as bad until you add in the aleged reporter assault for trying to ask Bachmann questions about it.

It gives off a smell of cover up or at least that there's lots more to this.

Anonymous said...

I really want Palin to get in now. Just to see the dynamic that would develop with Palin and Bachmann.

Run Sarah Run!


Right Wingnut said...

I was in a hurry when I answered anon. I don't necessarily think an occasional migraine should keep anyone out of the race. However, the degree to which Bachmann reportedly suffers from them underscores the need for more information. If they do keep her incapacitated for days, and do require her to take medication, the voters deserve to know more before entrusting her with the presidency.

I do think this will prevent her from winning the nomination. Whether she continues to run is up to her.

Right Wingnut said...

Politico has another story about this today.