Thursday, November 11, 2010

Right leaning bloggers give Palin and the Tea Party two thumbs up

I came across the following article chronicling a poll conducted on the mid-term elections.

H/T RefudiateObama2012
Right Wing News polled more than 250 right-of-center bloggers on election 2010 and the aftermath. 70 bloggers responded (This one time, the respondents ARE NOT going to be listed. Expect them to be listed as per usual, on the next poll).


1) Out of the following people and groups, which do you think was the most valuable player in the election cycle?

Jim DeMint: 10.6% (7 votes)
The NRCC: 16.7% (11 votes)
The NRSC: 0.0% (0 votes)
Sarah Palin: 62.1% (41 votes)
The RGA: 9.1% (6 votes)
The RNC: 1.5% (1 vote)

2) Out of the following people and groups, which do you think did the most disappointing job during the election cycle?

Jim DeMint: 0.0% (0 votes)
The NRCC: 4.5% (3 votes)
The NRSC: 55.2% (37 votes)
Sarah Palin: 6% (4 votes)
The RNC: 34.3% (23 votes)
The RGA: 0.0% (0 votes)

3) How would you rate the impact of the Tea Party during the election cycle?

A) Extremely helpful: 53.7% (36 votes)
B) Generally positive: 46.3% (31 votes)
C) Not sure: 0.0% (0 votes)
D) Generally negative: 0.0% (0 votes)
E) Extremely Harmful: 0.0% (0 votes)

4) Do you think the Tea Party and/or Sarah Palin and/or Jim DeMint cost the GOP the Senate?

Yes: 5.9% (4 votes)
No: 94.1% (64 votes)


Follow this link for more results.

Many of my fellow Right Speakers may want to contact Right Wing News to lobby to get Mitt included in their next poll.


Ann said...

Right leaning?

It would be interesting to see the names.

Facts however are facts. Far more centrist/moderate/conservative Republicans were elected than the Far Right Tea Party backed folks.

Right Wingnut said...

Facts however are facts. Far more centrist/moderate/conservative Republicans were elected than the Far Right Tea Party backed folks.--ANN

Many were elected on the backs of the efforts of the Tea Party. Why do you assume that anyone affiliated with the tea party is far right? The tea party attracts folks from all walks of life, except for the far left. What part of the tea party message do you disagree with?

Anonymous said...

"Many were elected on the backs of the efforts of the Tea Party. Why do you assume that anyone affiliated with the tea party is far right?" Bingo on both points!!! First, one does not win seats (or at least many seats) without promoting policies. Tea Partiers were the ones who, went door to door promoting Conservatism while other sat back and said oh, we can't say that or voters will be scared. Yes Liberal voters should be scared. And, this memo that the TEA Party is far right is getting old. The moderately caffinated Tea Partier is the actual compromise between the highly caffinated Coffeeite who want to get rid of the Department of Defense and the establishment who are too sissy and too quiet (must be type Bs) to be caffinated at all. Finnally those who claim that African Americans and other Ethnic groups are not welcome at Tea Parties have their heads in the sand because the are dead wrong.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that last one was me.


kelly said...

I think what Ann was saying is that only a small percentage of Republicans elected had Tea Party affiliations.

Sure they were helpful, but many of the Tea Party would have you believe they were responsible for 100% of the efforts to get the Republicans elected. That's NOT true. Far more Non-Tea Party efforts were responsible for the wins.

Anonymous said...

"Far more Non-Tea Party efforts were responsible for the wins." Yes and no, of course, there were many non-Tea Partiers who helped elected Republicans in certain seats, but many of us suspect that the Tea Party was the most significant of all groups (maybe less than 50%, but a plurality nevertheless.) My own new Congressman may (or may) not claim to be a Tea Partiers, but I am sure he would not deny their help, money and votes. He never missed a Tea Party debate and at all candidate forums, he went out of his way to shake hands with Tea Party leaders, so those who need to know realize that the Tea Party was a big factor.


BOSMAN said...

To be fair, Yes the Tea Party played a major roll in the mid-term election wind.

To what degree, " Their a Legend in Their Own Minds".

Anonymous said...

Before the Tea Party came on the scene, the rest of the party did not believe the party could win, why they did wanted Mr. Specter, Mr. Crist and Mr. Grayson to be our Senatorial candidates. If anything it is the party elite who are bigger in their own heads.


Anonymous said...

you people are sick greedy pigs,and have no right calling your selves Christians,jesus would puke on you!!

Anonymous said...

sara palin my god be serious,what a freaking bubble head,shes almost as stupid as bush....