Thursday, November 11, 2010

AP-GFK Poll: Sarah Palin is most polarizing of 2012 crowd

Notice 2 things:
  1. Total unfavorables: Palin (49), Ginrich (41), Romney (31), Huckabee (27) 
  2. Don't know: Palin (5), Ginrich (18), Romney (23), Huckabee (24)

What these figures tell us is, Palin is seen LESS FAVORABLE by a range of  8 to 22% points more than the other three. Also, There is less room for her to improve those numbers. Only 5% say they are NOT SURE as opposed to a range of  18 to 24% by the other three.

As to the findings of other potential 2012ers, AP put it this way, "As for the rest — Pawlenty, Barbour, Thune, Daniels — most Americans say, "Who?"

A telephone survey of the American general population (ages 18+)
Interview dates: November 3 – 8, 2010
Number of interviews: 1,000
Margin of error for the total sample: +/- 4.1 percentage points at the 95% confidence level
cross tabs can be found HERE.


Right Wingnut said...

H/T Ian Lazarin:

What the write-up of this Associated Press-GFK poll doesn't tell you is that her favorable/unfavorable numbers have improved by a net seven points from the poll conducted last month and a net seventeen points from the poll conducted in September.

phil said...

The problem with including that info is that they had only included her in the past. So those figures would be misleading.

Now that other candidates are in the mix, the next poll should tell us something because those being polled will have more names to consider and not hers alone.

Ann said...

It's clear that Palin has a problem and that MOST PEOPLE (95%) have already made up their minds.

kelly said...

Not great numbers for Palin. What good is winning the nomination if you can't win a general election?