Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Newt Gingrich: Have I Got an Award For You!

Several Physicians across the country received a greetings purporting to be from former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. The gist of this fax was that Gingrich had settled on the Doctors who were to receive his, "2010 Champions Of Medicine Award". The fax packet included:
  • The Names who made the cut.
  • An invitation from Gingrich's America's Solution to attend a November 2 election night award's night combo. Recipients would watch the results with Gingrich and receive their awards.
  • A photo of the type of award you would be receiving.
THE CATCH when you call for further details:
  • There was no mention in the original fax of the fact that attendance at the event costs $5,000. $15,000 to reserve a table of seven if you want to bring people with you. accommodations were extra.
  • There is no explanation as to what merits qualifies someone for the 2010 Champions of Medicine" honor; or that hundreds, if not thousands, have received the same fax.
It seems that Gingrich had done something similar with a "2009 Entrepreneur of The Year".

This brings fund raising to a whole new level. Do you think a frame for the award cost extra?


Anonymous said...

This is disgusting and just adds to the negative baggage that Gingrich carries already.


Revolution 2012 said...

What a slime bag!

Martha said...

Ha. What a find, Bosman. Good job.