Monday, February 3, 2025

Trump Should Pull Out of Gaza Nation Building: The Ceasefire Deal Means Spending $50 Billion to Rebuild Gaza; Hamas Deal Puts U.S. Boots On the Ground: And Billions in Reconstruction Costs for "Palestinian" Nation-Building

The ceasefire deal means spending $50 billion to rebuild Gaza:
The ceasefire deal means spending $50 billion to rebuild Gaza.
The disastrous ceasefire deal proposed by the Biden administration and rubber stamped by Steve Witkoff, Trump’s Middle East envoy, doesn’t just free thousands of Islamic terrorists while letting Hamas reclaim power, it also commits America to a 5-year rebuilding of Gaza.
If the Trump administration backs the deal, it will be forced to act as a ‘guarantor’ which will not only mean protecting Hamas, but an extended terrorist nation-building program bigger even than Iraq or Afghanistan. Phase 3 of the deal reportedly calls for a 3-5 year rebuilding program.
That timetable would have President Trump spend his whole second term rebuilding Gaza.
And the UN’s actual numbers are far worse. The UN Development Program is estimating $50 billion in costs to rebuild Gaza by 2040. Since the UN is not known for bringing in projects on time, it’s entirely possible that nation-building Gaza would cost even more and last indefinitely.
This would not have been the deal that a Trump administration national security team would have signed on to, but unfortunately President-elect Trump’s envoy Witkoff (pictured above) went along with the Biden deal. Witkoff worked with Secretary of State Tony Blinken and Middle East adviser Brett McGurk to make the United States a ‘guarantor’ of a bad plan that includes an “interim force” to police Gaza, extended “reconstruction” and a “technocratic” unity government acting as a front for the Hamas and the PLO terrorists as part of a unity deal formed in Beijing under China.
This is nation-building. And it may be the single worst example of it. Even worse than Iraq.
There was some remote possibility that Afghanistan and Iraq could work out, there is zero chance of nation-building in Gaza and the West Bank leading to anything except terrorism, billions of dollars in foreign aid, more dead Americans and another war in the region.
Nation-building and endless war are the opposite of the foreign policy that Trump ran on.
The good news is that the Trump administration can pull out of this terrible Biden deal. And if he pulls out before Phase 3, America won’t be stuck doing more terrorist nation-building in Gaza. --->READ MORE HERE
Hamas Deal Puts U.S. Boots on the Ground:
And billions in reconstruction costs for "Palestinian" nation-building.
American soldiers are headed to Gaza.
They’re not there to fight Islamic terrorists, but to secure the disastrous Biden deal that saved Hamas by monitoring and inspecting the Gazans traveling across the ‘Netzarim corridor’.
One of the companies is UG Solutions founded by a former Special Forces veteran which hires US military vets to provide security. Hiring veterans as contractors became a common practice during the War on Terror because it allowed politicians to avoid accountability for US casualties.
Hundreds of Americans were killed working as contractors in Iraq including, in one of the most infamous incidents in the war, when four ex-Special Forces contractors working for Blackwater had their bodies dragged through the streets, were beaten, hacked and hung from a bridge while the Arab Muslim mobs of men, women and children cheered. The scene played out again in Benghazi when two former Navy SEALS working as CIA contractors were murdered.
How soon until it plays out in Gaza?
Bringing in veterans as contractors has been a longtime way to disguise ‘boots on the ground.’ But the men in those boots are still veterans who believe they’re serving their country. And when they die, it’s Americans dying to carry out the policies of their Commander in Chief.
Gaza is every bit as dangerous as Fallujah, Iraq or Benghazi, Libya. One American soldier already died in Biden’s futile pier aid delivery effort. This will be far more risky.
In 2003, Islamic terrorists bombed an American diplomatic convoy in Gaza, killing three security contractors, John Branchizio, Mark Parsons and John Martin Linde Jr. Branchizio was a former Navy SEAL, Linde, an ex-Marine and Parson’s family sued the Palestinian Authority which freed the terrorist killers of the three men. Sadly, nothing was learned from their murders.
Reportedly the ex-military and CIA operatives are already there and planning operations.
No matter how they’re disguised, American boots are back on the ground and the lives of American soldiers are being risked in a nation building project to create a terror state.
As Front Page Magazine already reported, the UN is estimating that it will take $50 billion to rebuild Gaza with an estimated completion date of 2040. And it’s already set to put armed Americans on the ground to secure a nation building operation that is doomed to fail.
So why are we doing it all over again? --->READ MORE HERE
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