Sunday, July 7, 2024

‘God Bless the Blackest City in the World’: Only Slavery Reparations Can Save Chicago; Reparations How? Mayor Johnson's Task Force is Beside the Point on What's Needed to Fix Chicago

‘God Bless the Blackest City in the World’:
Only slavery reparations can save Chicago.
Chicago celebrated ‘Juneteenth’ with 40 shootings. The Windy City kept up a Father’s Day weekend in which 71 people were shot by fatherless young men in a city where 8 out of 10 black children are born to single mothers. And in which it’s all the fault of “systemic racism”.
Over in Daley Plaza, Mayor Brandon Johnson (pictured above) raised the ‘Juneteenth flag’ created by an activist who wanted the black parts of Boston to secede and form a new city named ‘Mandela’.
But who needs Mandela, when you’ve got Chicago?
“God bless the blackest city in the world,” Johnson, a radical who has presided over massive crime and enjoys an approval rating of 28%, declared.
With a 28% black population, Chicago isn’t even the blackest city in Illinois, let alone the U.S. or the world. And the black population has fallen by 400,000 since the 80s. Hispanics are actually the second largest group in Chicago, but since 60% of them disapprove of him, it’s understandable why he didn’t want to mention them. Or the 68% of white people who oppose the former teachers’ union operative.
Mayor Johnson is so hated that he’s barely breaking even with black voters. And so he announced that Chicago, which has over $50 billion in pension debt, will be spending $500,000 to study racial reparations.
The mayor picked Carla Kupe, a Congolese immigrant from Luxembourg who only came to America in 1997, to be the new Chief Equity Officer. Kupe, a graduate of the Lycee Classique de Diekirch in Luxembourg, a Certified Diversity Professional, a board member of the Illinois Diversity Council, a Dean’s Diversity Council Member at Loyola, and the Director of DEI at the City of Chicago Office of Inspector General where she created “27 racial equity action plans for city departments”, will play a major role in the new reparations program that will finally end “systemic racism” in Chicago.
2 black mayors, 3 black police chiefs, and 23 black aldermen haven’t done it, but DEI will.
Meanwhile, two dozen people were shot in 5 hours. There were two mass shootings in 1 hour. After the Juneteenth event, a 4-year-old was shot and taken to the hospital in critical condition.
“It is now the time to deliver good on reparations for the people of Chicago, particularly black people,” Mayor Johnson rambled, claiming he was “committed to driving reparations home”.
Johnson is a former teacher in a public school system where only 25% of students passed the English Language Arts exam, but teacher salaries now top a princely $100,000. Current contract demands by Johnson’s CTU union include $145,000 salaries, 45 days off, free weight loss surgery and abortions. And none of them, including the mayor, know basic grammar.
At Daley Plaza, Johnson blamed everything on the “legacy of slavery” even though the Illinois constitution banned slavery and was the birthplace of a man named Abe who ended slavery. --->READ MORE HERE
Anthony Vazquez/Sun-Times
Reparations how? Mayor Johnson's task force is beside the point on what's needed to fix Chicago
A first-term mayor, whose administration has plenty of bread-and-butter issues on its plate, ought to focus on fixing public transit, public schools, crime and other problems that impact Black Chicagoans.
For the past 250 years, the question of granting reparations to Black Americans for the racial injustices they’ve suffered has been one of the nation’s most complex — and polarizing — issues.
The Quakers gave up trading and owning enslaved Black people in the 1700s. But they argued those still in the horrendous trade should pay reparations to any enslaved person who managed to get their freedom.
Since then, there have been scores of national proposals to compensate the once-enslaved, or their descendants, and, as time passed, those who suffered under 20th century Jim Crow laws in the South.
Now Mayor Brandon Johnson has decided to wade into these complicated waters, announcing on Monday that he signed an executive order establishing a Chicago reparations task force with $500,000 for the panel to do its work.
“The legacy of slavery — the aftermath, still echoes today,” Johnson told a crowd at a Juneteenth flag raising ceremony at Daley Plaza.
“We saw it when previous administrations sold off public assets. We saw the harm when previous administrations closed Black schools, and they shut down public housing. When they raided the pensions. These anti-Black, anti-business endeavors ... have caused tremendous harm and pain.”
Generations of Black people found success in Chicago after they or their ancestors arrived here from the South during the 20th century’s Great Migration.
But they also faced racial violence, as in the riots during the “Red Summer” of 1919. And Black Chicagoans still contend with underperforming neighborhood schools, undervalued real estate in their communities, gun violence and other crime in their neighborhoods, and practices that often deny them mortgages, business loans, jobs and other opportunities.
But is a city reparations task force really the best way to address these wrongs? When all is said and done, we think the answer is “no,” especially for an administration that is struggling to handle pressing, bread-and-butter issues already on its plate that impact the entire city. --->READ MORE HERE (or HERE)
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