Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Border Patrol Reports 2,600 Migrant Apprehensions per Day — Just in 3 Sectors; VIDEO — Report: Illegal Aliens March Through Times Square Chanting ‘Abolish ICE!’

AP File Photo/Andres Leighton
Border Patrol Reports 2,600 Migrant Apprehensions per Day — Just in 3 Sectors:
Border Patrol chiefs in three sectors of the southwest border with Mexico report a daily apprehension rate of more than 2,600 per day during their most recent weekly recaps. The reports from these three of the nine southwest border sectors exceed President Joe Biden’s new executive order imposing a cap of 2,500 migrants per day on a seven-day average.
On Tuesday, President Biden issued an executive order capping migrant encounters along the southwest border at about 2,500 per day, Breitbart News reported. The weekly recap reports from the chief patrol agents in the San Diego, Tucson, and Del Rio Sectors indicate more than 2,600 migrant apprehensions daily. This average does not include the Rio Grande Valley, Laredo, Big Bend, El Paso, Yuma, and El Centro Sectors.
In their most recent weekly recap posts on social media, the sector chiefs in the San Diego, Tucson, and Del Rio Sectors indicate the apprehension of 8,488, 7500, and 2,389 migrants, respectively. The total for these three sectors is 18,377 migrants — 2,625 per day.
Breitbart Texas contacted Border Patrol officials to ascertain what steps will be taken to shut down the border as President Biden’s cap of 2,500 migrants per day has been exceeded. An immediate response was not available. --->READ MORE HERE
Spencer Platt/Getty
VIDEO — Report: Illegal Aliens March Through Times Square Chanting ‘Abolish ICE!’:
A group of alleged illegal aliens reportedly marched through New York City’s Times Square while calling for the abolishment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Video footage shared online Thursday shows a sea of people walking through the area in the middle of the street. As the group marches, the chant of “Abolish ICE! Abolish ICE!” rings out before the crowd erupts in cheers:
Several individuals in front of the group are seen carrying large banners. One reads, “Arriba [Up with] Las Vegas Worker Center.” According to the center’s website, it is “a grassroots organization that unites day laborers, domestic workers, and other low-wage and migrant workers to defend their rights, fight for dignity and win justice for all.”
The other banner reads “DALE – Accept Our Labor? Respect Our Rights!” That banner apparently refers to a group called Desde Abajo [From Below] Labor Enforcement (DALE) on the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) website. --->READ MORE HERE
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