Thursday, June 20, 2024

Biden Is Choking US Energy While Reaping Green Donor Cash. Voters Have Noticed; Dems, Like Bob Casey, Who Backed Biden’s War On Energy Will Pay For It This November

Biden Is Choking US Energy While Reaping Green Donor Cash. Voters Have Noticed:
The recent European Parliament elections saw sweeping losses for Green parties across the continent as voters rejected harmful policies sold under the false guise of environmentalism. [emphasis, links added]
The left-leaning Greens lost 18 seats of their previous 71-member bloc, a 25% drop — and the United States, where President Biden has prioritized green giveaways since the first day of his administration, could be headed for a similar reckoning in November.
While the exact set of circumstances differ, the commonality on either side of the Atlantic is clear: Extreme environmental policies have weakened Western nations, economically and geopolitically.
Voters understand this concept inherently — and are beginning to reject it electorally.
Consider the European impact of the Biden administration’s ban on future export permits for US liquefied natural gas (LNG).
Zero new permits for LNG exports have been issued since January when the administration capitulated to environmentalists’ demands and froze them.
Green activists on both sides of the Atlantic cheered this move as some sort of victory for the environment.
But for European countries whose energy supplies have been stressed by Russian President Vladimir Putin as part of his war in Ukraine, it poses a major national security risk. --->READ MORE HERE
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Dems, like Bob Casey, who backed Biden’s war on energy will pay for it this November:
Energy is on the ballot this November, and the chickens are coming to roost for Democratic policymakers who’ve backed President Biden’s hostility toward our fossil-fuel industry.
With utilities, consumer goods and food prices 30% higher under Biden, driven in part by climbing gas prices, Democratic senators like Montana’s Jon Tester and Ohio’s Sherrod Brown — both of whom represent Republican-majority states — are rightfully nervous.
Yet none more so than Pennsylvania’s three-term Democratic senator, Bob Casey.
After 18 years in the Senate, Casey has had a remarkably unimpressive legislative career.
Pressed, few could point to piece of legislation or a floor speech where he stood out.
And he’s now overshadowed by his fellow Democrat, the junior Sen. John Fetterman.
The hoodie-wearing freshman has earned unlikely admirers on the right for his willingness to stand up to his party’s antisemites, and he’s won a populist appeal Casey never could.
Consider their home state of Pennsylvania, one of the leading producers of natural gas through fracking.
During his 2022 campaign, Fetterman’s shifting views on fracking came under fire. Ultimately, he backed it. Credit where credit is due.
Fetterman may have been a Bernie Sanders backer in 2016, but his Keystone State is home to Titusville, which — as the site of the first commercial oil well drilled by John D. Rockefeller in 1895 — played a key role in our nation’s development as a global superpower.
Today, the state’s oil and gas industry employs nearly half a million of Fetterman’s constituents and contributed $75 billion to the economy in 2021.
In February, Fetterman split with the White House over its ban on approvals for liquefied natural gas exports. --->READ MORE HERE
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