Sunday, June 23, 2024

Are Excess Post-COVID Deaths Collateral Damage From Public-Health Overkill; Are Covid Vaccines Related to Unprecedented Deaths in USA? Here's What Research Paper Claims; Excess Deaths Since Pandemic Need to be ‘thoroughly’ Investigated: study, and other C-Virus related stories

Jacob Ford/Odessa American via AP
Are excess post-COVID deaths collateral damage from public-health overkill?:
A group of Dutch medical researchers has ignited a firestorm by calling for an investigation of the deaths caused by vaccine mandates and lockdowns imposed on the public during the COVID-19 pandemic.
What’s wrong with that?
Everything, if you’re part of the global public health mafia and want to avoid questions about the mistakes you made and the lies you told.
We all saw Anthony Fauci squirming last week when he was forced to admit to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee that social-distancing rules — like the six-foot rule on which the lockdowns were based — were pulled out of thin air.
The Dutch researchers want answers.
They insist “every death needs to be acknowledged and accounted for,” including deaths caused by policy mistakes — the collateral damage from heavy-handed public health policies.
One conclusion is already crystal clear: Don’t entrust your life or health to the government.
The Dutch researchers examined data from 47 western countries, including the United States, and found that many months after the lockdowns began and vaccines were rolled out, death rates stayed higher than in pre-pandemic years.
The lockdowns and vaccines weren’t stopping the virus, it turns out, but were apparently causing other deaths — a classic case of the cure being worse than the disease.
Zeroing in on the United States, they cited double-digit increases in alcohol-caused fatalities and drug-overdose fatalities.
A separate pair of researchers, Rob Arnott and University of Chicago economics professor Casey Mulligan, reported the same.--->READ MORE HERE
Are Covid vaccines related to unprecedented deaths in USA? Here's what research paper claims:
In a recent study that has been conducted by a university in Netherlands, numerous death which are unprecedented in the US and the western countries have linked to the COVID-19 vaccines that were developed within a short period of time, often skipping or even rushing through well mandated clinical trial process, as per a report on New York Post.
The Vrije Universiteit analyzed mortality rate from 47 western countries found that excess mortality has remained high since 2020 despite the roll out of vaccines and other containment measures which were enforced after the COVID pandemic, as per the New York Post.
According to the Centre for World University Ranking, this particular university has been ranked 150th out of 20,000 universities globally. They have urged the policy makers to take firm action and come out with policies after considering the scientific evidence at play.
Covid Vaccines 'Adverse Events'
The researchers concluded that adverse events related to the vaccine have led to these deaths. Researchers at the Netherlands' Vrije Universiteit claimed in their study "Although COVID-19 vaccines were provided to guard civilians from suffering morbidity and mortality by the COVID-19 virus, suspected adverse events have been documented as well," the researchers wrote. --->READ MORE HERE
Follow links below to relevant/related stories and resources:

+++++Excess deaths since pandemic need to be ‘thoroughly’ investigated: study+++++

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USA TODAY: Coronavirus Updates

WSJ: Coronavirus Live Updates

YAHOO NEWS: Coronavirus Live Updates

NEW YORK POST: Coronavirus The Latest

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