Friday, May 10, 2024

US Issues Travel Warning for Germany: ‘Terrorist groups keep planning attacks’; Watch: Protesters Call for Islamic State in Germany

US issues travel warning for Germany: ‘Terrorist groups keep planning attacks’:
The United States has issued a travel advisory to Germany over fears of terrorism.
On Wednesday, the Department of State upgraded Germany to Level 2 out of four — an edict to “exercise increased caution” — with the stark warning that “terrorist groups keep planning attacks in Germany.”
The US government added that tourist locations and transportation hubs are frequently targeted, along with hotels, restaurants, clubs, places of worship, parks, and both sporting and cultural events.
“Terrorists may attack with little or no warning,” the State Department noted.
In late March, Canada also advised travelers to “exercise a high degree of caution in Germany due to the threat of terrorism.”
The United Kingdom’s foreign travel advice additionally cited incidents of terror in Germany in recent years.
These include a killing and severe injury from a knife attack in Dresden in 2020, as well as two mass shootings at bars in Hanau that killed eight in the same year.
In 2019, two people were fatally shot near a synagogue in the city of Halle.
The State Department advises travelers to “identify safe areas” to turn toward in the event of an attack. --->READ MORE HERE
Credit: Axel Heimken/Avalon
Watch: Protesters call for Islamic state in Germany
Muslim Interaktiv leader said a ‘righteous caliphate’ needed to remedy misrepresentation of Muslim groups in the media
More than 1,000 people marched through Hamburg on Saturday calling for a caliphate in Germany.
Protesters gathered in the northern city for a mostly peaceful demonstration against Islamophobia, but among the masses were calls for an Islamic state.
Joe Adade Boateng, leader of Muslim Interaktiv which organised the march, said in a speech at the march that Germany needed a “righteous caliphate” to remedy the misrepresentation Muslim groups have faced in the media.
He was greeted with cheers of “Allahu akbar”, or God is great, by a mostly male crowd, some of whom were holding up signs reading “Caliphate is the solution” and “Stop the media hate”.
People were also holding up copies of the local tabloid newspaper, Bild, with stories about Islam that had been smeared with red paint.
Since war broke out between Israel and Hamas, Muslim groups have criticised Germany’s strong support for Tel Aviv.
At times that criticism has led to calls for more radical action, with Islamist groups flourishing on German social media.
Muslim Interaktiv, a group under investigation by Hamburg’s domestic intelligence for “extremism”, has grown to 24,000 followers on TikTok. Leader Boateng calls himself “Raheem Boateng” online and posts videos explaining why homosexuality is a sin.
The group had previously organised a demonstration of 3,500 people against the public burning of the Koran in Sweden in February last year, and held an anti-Israel demonstration following the Hamas attacks on October 7. --->READ MORE HERE
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