Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Unused COVID-19 Funds Would Build Border Wall Under New Senate Bill; Leftover COVID Funds Would be Used to Build Border Wall Under Proposed Legislation

Unused COVID-19 funds would build border wall under new Senate bill:
A new bill could designate unused federal COVID-19 funds to be used to continue the construction of the southern border wall as an illegal immigration crisis continues and voters cite the issue as one of the most important going into the November elections.
Senate Republican Conference Chairman John Barrasso, R-Wyo., introduced an amendment on Tuesday to a Democrat-backed border bill that is set to come back to the floor later this week.
Titled "The Build the Wall Act of 2024," the measure would create a "Southern Border Wall Construction Fund" and instruct the Department of Homeland Security to use unobligated funds that were initially authorized for pandemic recovery.
"Border walls work. Before President Biden came into office, we were well on our way to a secure and safe southern border. But on his first day in office, the president and Democrats rolled out the welcome mat for millions of illegal immigrants to come into our nation," Barrasso said in a statement.
"We must hold Democrats accountable for their open border policies that have created the worst border crisis in our nation’s history. If they are serious about securing our border, they should have no issues voting for a policy that actually works and is already paid for," he continued.
The Democrat-backed border bill is expected to fail a test vote this week. GOP senators rejected the measure as too weak after it was negotiated by Sens. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., and James Lankford, R-Okla. Some even claimed the immigration bill would make the current border crisis worse. Republicans have reaffirmed their backing of a tougher House-backed immigration measure, known as H.R. 2. --->READ MORE HERE
Kevin Dietsch/Pool via AP
Leftover COVID funds would be used to build border wall under proposed legislation:
Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., introduced an amendment to a Democrat-backed immigration bill Tuesday which would allow use of leftover COVID-19 funds to build the southern border wall.
The amendment would apply to the Border Security Act and create a “Southern Border Wall Construction Fund.” Sen. Barrasso’s legislation would compel the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to direct all unused Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds into the fund.
“Border walls work,” Sen. Barrasso said Tuesday. “Before President Biden came into office, we were well on our way to a secure and safe southern border. But on his first day in office, the president and Democrats rolled out the welcome mat for millions of illegal immigrants to come into our nation.”
“We must hold Democrats accountable for their open border policies that have created the worst border crisis in our nation’s history,” he continued. “If they are serious about securing our border, they should have no issues voting for a policy that actually works and is already paid for.”
Senate Democrats appear to be once again pushing for the passage of bipartisan border legislation this week, something several House leaders have already condemned. --->READ MORE HERE
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