Friday, April 5, 2024

RU City of Kursk Reports Drone Attack: Fires Break Out; Massive Drone Attack on Military Airfield in Rostov Oblast; Destruction of a Lge RU Convoy in Donetsk; Explosion at Elect-Substation St. Pete; UKR Repels 48 RU Attacks-5 Sectors; 57 Combat Clashes F-Line, RU Loses 670 Sold, 9 Tanks, 29 Art-Sys, LIVE UPDATES and LOTS MORE

Russian city of Kursk reports drone attack: fires break out – photo, video:
At least three fires broke out in the Russian city of Kursk on the evening of 4 April, and a residential building was hit. Local authorities report that these are the aftermath of a drone attack and air defence operations.
Source: Roman Starovoyt , the governor of Kursk Oblast; Russia’s Defence Ministry ; local media
Details: In particular, the governor writes about a fire in the Central Market area after the alleged downing of a UAV. There are strikes on the retail premises.
A drone attack was reported in Kursk, Russia: fires broke out in the city

— Ukrainska Pravda ✌ (@ukrpravda_news) April 4, 2024
He also reports a hit on a residential building and fires in two other private residences.
In particular, a fire broke out in the building of the regional arts centre. --->READ MORE HERE
Russian officials report massive drone attack on military airfield in Rostov Oblast:
A "massive attack" on a military airfield in Rostov Oblast, Russia, damaged a power substation in the Morozovsky district, Governor Vasily Golubev claimed in the early hours of April 5.
According to Golubev, Russian air defense units intercepted over 40 drones targeting a military airfield in Rostov Oblast's Morozovsky district.
Golubev also said that workers were attempting to restore the power supply at the damaged substation.
No casualties were reported. The Kyiv Independent could not independently verify Golubev's claims at the time of publication.
Ukrainian troops have intensified strikes against military and industrial targets in Russia in recent weeks. Ukraine has used domestically produced long-range drones to successfully attack oil refineries and weapons facilities, prompting Russia to announce increased air defense efforts in these areas.
Golubev on March 25 claimed that a transformer substation at the Novocherkassk State District Power Plant in Rostov Oblast caught fire overnight, following reports from local residents about explosions in the area amid an alleged drone attack. --->READ MORE HERE
Follow links below to +++++relevant+++++ and related stories:

+++++Russia-Ukraine News LATEST UPDATES: (REUTERS) (AP) (NY POST) and (WSJ)+++++

+++++ Footage of destruction of a large Russian convoy ambushed in Donetsk +++++

+++++An explosion at an electrical substation left 12 thousand residents of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region without electricity+++++

+++++War update: Ukrainian forces repel 48 enemy attacks in five sectors+++++

+++++Ukraine repels over 20 attacks in Bakhmut sector, 57 combat engagements at the Front, Russia tries to break through defense 19 times in Novopavlivka sector++++

+++++Russians lose 670 soldiers, 9 tanks, and 29 artillery systems in one day+++++

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Explosions occurred in Russian Kursk: Alleged downing of drone reported

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