Thursday, February 1, 2024

UKR’s Strikes Inside RU Hurt Putin’s Efforts to Show War Isn’t Hitting Home; UKR to Finally Receive US GLSDB Munitions; UAVs On the Frontlines of UKR; RU ATTEMPTS to Advance on 8 Fronts, UKR Repels 60 Attacks, Kills 900+ RUs, Destroys 30 Art Syst-Past 24hrs, LIVE UPDATES and MORE

Ukraine’s strikes on targets inside Russia hurt Putin’s efforts to show the war isn’t hitting home:
The wail of air raid sirens is commonplace in Belgorod, a Russian border city whose residents are on edge following a Ukrainian missile attack on a New Year’s holiday weekend that left dozens of people dead and injured.
A spectacular explosion rocked a huge fuel export terminal on the Baltic Sea southwest of St. Petersburg this month from a Ukrainian drone, forcing the energy company Novatek to suspend operations for several days.
Last week, an apparent drone attack in the Black Sea port of Tuapse in the southern Krasnodar region hit one of Russia’s largest refineries and ignited a fire, while another big refinery in the Volga River city of Yaroslavl, north of Moscow came under attack early Monday, but officials said there was no damage.
There also have been strikes on a gunpowder factory in the Tambov region and arms producers and military facilities in the Bryansk, Smolensk and Tula regions.
Attacks like these are dealing a heavy blow to President Vladimir Putin’s attempts to reassure Russians that life in the country is largely untouched by the nearly 2-year-old war.
“Ukraine has increased its capacity to strike back against Russia,” Michael Kofman, a military expert with the Carnegie Endowment, said in a recent podcast.
“You see increased Ukrainian attacks against Russian critical infrastructure, retaliatory attacks against cities like Belgorod and greater strikes against Russian military base in Crimea,” he said.
As Putin ramps up his campaign ahead of the presidential election in March, he wants to maintain an air of normalcy. But the increasingly frequent Ukrainian attacks have raised the visibility of the war on Russian soil, and there are other signs the conflict is increasingly challenging the Kremlin’s tight control of the political scene. --->READ MORE HERE
Ukraine to finally receive GLSDB munitions from US — report:
Ukraine is set to receive high-precision GLSDB (Ground Launched Small Diameter Bomb) munitions from the United States as soon as Jan. 31, Politico reported on Jan. 30, citing a U.S. official and three people familiar with the matter.
These state-of-the-art long-range munitions developed by Boeing and Saab are not yet part of the U.S. arsenal, the report added. With an extended range of 94 miles (150 kilometers), GLSDB glide bombs could become an alternative to ATACMS ballistic missiles Kyiv have long sought to get from Washington. For targeting, the GLSDB utilizes an inertial navigation system and GPS. Once launched, the bomb deploys wings and effectively glides to its target.
A source told the journalists that the U.S. Army tested the new munition type before approving its shipment to Ukraine, which will give Ukrainian forces a “significant” boost in capability.
“It gives them a deeper strike capability they haven’t had, it complements their long-range fire arsenal,” the unnamed U.S. official said.
“It’s just an extra arrow in the quiver that’s gonna allow them to do more.”
On Nov. 30, 2023, Reuters reported that the delivery of GLSDB munitions to Ukraine had been postponed until early 2024. --->READ MORE HERE
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+++++Russia-Ukraine News LATEST UPDATES: (REUTERS) (AP) (NY POST) and (WSJ)+++++

+++++Drones of war: UAVs on the frontlines of Ukraine+++++

+++++Russians attempt to advance on 8 fronts, Ukrainian forces repel about 60 attacks over past 24 hours – General Staff+++++

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