Outrage as it's revealed how much jobless migrants and foreign students really cost UK:
A new report has blown a hole into claims that mass migration is needed to boost economic growth.
A new report has revealed that the UK taxpayer has forked out almost £24billion on jobless legal migrants who contribute nothing to the economy since 2020.
The number does not include international students who are discounted from the “economically inactive” category but if they were added the total cost would be an eye-watering £36billion.
The findings will fuel concerns that the UK's porous legal migration is being used for so-called benefits tourism with millions arriving and claiming housing benefit, Universal Credit, child benefit and other handouts including the use of the NHS and schools without contributing to the country.
The shocking figures have raised into question claims from the Treasury and some economists that mass migration is needed to grow the British economy.
The findings have come in a report by the Centre for Migration Control based on the latest data published last week by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
Robert Bates, Research Director at the Centre for Migration Control said: “These findings show that mass migration is far from the economic panacea that the advocates of open borders purport it to be.
“The UK is now in a recession and GDP per capita has plummeted through the floorboards. Our policymakers need to shed the illusion that, somehow, another year of net migration running in the hundreds of thousands will turn the ship around.”
He went on: “We have had twenty years of limitless migration, and those with legitimate concerns were simply told that it is an economic necessity.
“But the fact is that there are now over a million migrants who are making no economic contribution to the UK coffers and are in fact imposing a net drain.
“The very minimum that we should expect from those being welcomed to the UK is that they should being rolling their sleeves up and getting stuck into work, but even that does not seem to be the case.” --->READ MORE HERE
Jobless Migrants and Foreign Students Cost UK Taxpayers £36 Billion Since 2020: Report:
A report has found that the British taxpayer has subsidised foreign students and “economically inactive” migrants without jobs to the tune of £36 billion over the past three years.
An analysis of the latest data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) by the Centre for Migration Control think tank has found that jobless migrants who entered the country legally have received £23.74 billion in support from the taxpayer since 2020.
According to the latest ONS figures, between October and December, an estimated 724,000 migrants were living in the UK between the ages of 16 and 64 deemed to be “economically inactive”, which the government defines as “people not in employment who have not been seeking work within the last 4 weeks and/or are unable to start work within the next 2 weeks.” This has risen from 623,500 in 2020, a 16 per cent increase.
When taking international students into account, the number of foreigners receiving financial support from the government climbs to 1,135,949 in 2023, compared to 909,771 in 2020, a 25 per cent increase. In total, according to the Centre for Migration Control, foreign students and jobless legal migrants cost the UK taxpayer £35.84 billion since 2020, The Express reported.
Despite longstanding promises from the Conservative government to reduce migration to the tens of thousands — which senior officials have admitted was merely election rhetoric and not something the party ever had any intention of fulfilling — mass immigration to Britain has continued to rise, with a record 1.4 million foreigners being allowed into the country over the past two years, alone. --->READ MORE HERE
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