Friday, February 2, 2024

Biden’s Re-Election Year Crisis Can Be Described in 4 Words: IT'S THE BORDER, STUPID; Joe Biden’s Immigration Avalanche is About to Bury Him

Biden’s re-election year crisis can be described in 4 words: It’s the border, stupid
James Carville’s famous advice to candidates deserves a rest.
“It’s the economy, stupid” should step aside because this year, “It’s the border, stupid.”
The estimated 6 million people who have crossed from Mexico illegally during Joe Biden’s tenure are overwhelming American cities and are the largest single threat to his re-election.
The massive influx is sparking the border showdown between the White House and Texas, with Gov. Greg Abbott using the National Guard to do what Biden refuses to do.
Namely, prevent illegal immigrants from entering the United States.
Biden’s policies “have caused an unprecedented invasion that we must defend against,” the Republican governor said last week.
His state installed more than 100 miles of razor wire to keep illegal crossers from entering Texas.
The Supreme Court said the feds could remove the wire, but Abbott continues to add more and so far the White House is avoiding a physical confrontation.
Reflecting the importance of the issue, GOP governors from 25 states are backing Abbott and many are offering to send their National Guard units to help Texas.
The election-year crisis marks the inevitable boiling point of a problem that has simmered for three years.
Democrat-run cities such as New York, Boston and Chicago are spending billions of dollars to care for the homeless hordes, with the federal government offering little or no financial help for a problem it caused and still refusing to turn off the spigot.
The result has been a political disaster for Biden, even among many members of his own party, and a key issue fueling Donald Trump’s rise.
Polls show that Biden’s handling of the border has the lowest voter support among all major issues. --->READ MORE HERE
AP Photo/Eric Gay, File
Joe Biden’s immigration avalanche is about to bury him
What on earth is Joe Biden thinking?
As the country erupts over the horror show at the southern border, the White House is doing battle — not with the armed gangs infiltrating our country or the tens of thousands of people illegally streaming across our border, but with the governor of Texas, who is trying to protect his citizens from the unruly horde.
Gov. Greg Abbott has directed the construction of razor wire barriers to prevent people entering between legal ports of entry; the White House has gotten permission from the Supreme Court to take them down.
In addition, Republicans in Congress have demanded that the Biden administration secure the border in exchange for greenlighting aid to Ukraine and Israel.
This is easy, folks. Give the GOP the rules changes they want and 1) Biden’s border catastrophe gets better, generating fewer appalling headlines, and 2) the U.S. meets its promises and Biden can keep chirping that “America is back.”
Our clueless president disagrees. This issue could literally defeat Joe Biden, and he is fighting everything and anything that could make the situation better.
The No.1 issue for Republican voters in Iowa and in New Hampshire was immigration, beating out even the economy. Not surprisingly, Donald Trump was the heavy favorite in both states. Securing the border was the former president’s signature campaign promise in 2016; having delivered on that pledge, he will, for sure, hit the topic hard again in 2024.
Biden and his campaign team have gravely underestimated Americans’ anger about the approximately 8 million illegal border crossing that have been allowed to occur under the Biden administration. A recent poll from CBS showed 70 percent of respondents disapproving of Biden’s handling of immigration. Moreover, 63 percent of those surveyed said the administration should be tougher on those arriving at the border. --->READ MORE HERE
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