Any Illegal Border-Hopper Can Now Charge California Taxpayers For Fake Genitals":
Foreign nationals who illegally enter the United States and want their genitals surgically mutilated can now have the procedure done at California taxpayers’ expense.
According to a 2022 state-issued memo obtained by The Daily Caller, California’s taxpayer-funded Medi-Cal health system now “covers hormone therapy and surgical procedures ‘that bring primary and secondary gender characteristics into conformity with the individual’s identified gender, including ancillary services, such as hair removal, incident to those services.'”
In June 2015, then-Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation expanding Medi-Cal to foreign lawbreakers younger than 18. Then the state’s current Democrat governor, Gavin Newsom, further expanded the program in 2019 to include illegal foreigners between the ages of 19 and 25. The system’s most recent revamping now includes coverage for foreign nationals as old as 50, according to The Daily Caller.
“Roughly 700,000 illegal immigrants in the state between the age of 26 and 49 qualify for full coverage as of Jan. 1,” the report reads. --->READ MORE HERE
California’s Health Care Available To Illegal Immigrants Covers Sex Change Surgeries, Hormones:
The state of California’s program providing taxpayer-funded health care to illegal immigrants covers sex change surgeries and hormones, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation review of the program.
The program, which is known as Medi-Cal, covers hormone therapy and surgical procedures “that bring primary and secondary gender characteristics into conformity with the individual’s identified gender, including ancillary services, such as hair removal, incident to those services,” according to a state memo from May 2022. Roughly 700,000 illegal immigrants in the state between the age of 26 and 49 qualify for full coverage as of Jan. 1, California State Sen. María Elena Durazo said in May of the state’s latest move to expand the program.
In 2015, then-Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law allowing illegal migrant children to qualify for Medi-Cal. Gov. Gavin Newsom expanded the coverage in 2019 for illegal immigrants ages 19 to 25, which will now be expanded to cover migrants up to age 50.
“Gender affirming care is a covered Medi-Cal benefit when medically necessary. Requests for gender affirming care should be from specialists experienced in providing culturally competent care to transgender and gender diverse individuals and should use nationally recognized guidelines,” the memo read. --->READ MORE HERE
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