Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Randi Weingarten Lies, Lies and Lies Again About Closing Schools During COVID; Blame US Kids’ Learning Loss on Randi Weingarten & Tony Fauci; Teachers’ Union Boss Blames Math Test Slide on COVID — After Fighting to Keep Remote Learning, and other C-Virus related stories

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Randi Weingarten lies, lies and lies again about closing schools during COVID:
The results from the latest international assessments show a 13-point drop in US math scores from 2018 to 2022, and the president of the second-largest teachers union is using it as another opportunity to gaslight the public about her role in COVID-era school closures.
Randi Weingarten, American Federation of Teachers president, took to X to repeat the lie that teachers “unions worked hard to reopen US schools for safe in-person learning beginning back in April 2020.”
Truly Orwellian.
Weingarten turned off comments on her post to attempt to avoid public backlash. In other words, she closed her replies like she closed the schools.
Her attempt to avoid public accountability didn’t work, however. The same day, X users slapped a Community Note fact-check on her post calling out her “revisionist” history.
Her union threatened “safety strikes” in 2020 and successfully lobbied the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to make it more difficult to reopen schools in person. The union’s lobbying worked. In at least two instances, the union’s suggestions made it into the CDC guidance nearly verbatim. The CDC wasn’t following the “science.” It was following the “political science.”
Randi Weingarten called the president’s plan to reopen schools “reckless,” “callous” and “cruel.”
Chicago Teachers Union played a founding role in Weingarten’s union, and it is still one of her local affiliates. CTU deleted its post claiming “the push to reopen schools is rooted in sexism, racism and misogyny,” and one of its board members was caught vacationing in Puerto Rico in person while it was still railing against going back to work in person. --->READ MORE HERE
Blame US kids’ learning loss on Randi Weingarten & Tony Fauci:
Fresh confirmation of pandemic learning loss dropped Tuesday with the release of 2022 US scores on the Program for International Student Assessment, which showed a dramatic drop in 15-year-olds’ math scores since the last, pre-COVID exams.
It proves once and for all that shutting down schools and pushing “remote learning” — for more than a year in some places — was a horrible mistake that devastated a generation of children.
And who’s to blame?
Pandemic scientist Anthony Fauci and school-union boss Randi Weingarten.
They said “follow the science,” yet ignored it.
In Weingarten’s case, she would pay lip service to school openings, and then set impossible conditions, like the complete eradication of the virus. --->READ MORE HERE
Follow links below to relevant/related stories and resources:

+++++Teachers’ union boss blames math test slide on COVID — after fighting to keep remote learning+++++

US 10th-graders score lowest ever on international math test: ‘Whole world is struggling’

USA TODAY: Coronavirus Updates

WSJ: Coronavirus Live Updates

YAHOO NEWS: Coronavirus Live Updates

NEW YORK POST: Coronavirus The Latest

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