Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Hamas’ Child Hostages: The ancient horrors have returned; Hamas Terrorists Branded Israeli Children Hostages in Case They Escaped, Relative Says; Hamas Burned Child Hostages with Motorcycle Exhaust Pipes to ‘mark’ Them, Drugged Them to Keep Them Complacent: Family

Hamas’ Child Hostages
The ancient horrors have returned.
For at least two generations, Israelis have felt secure in the knowledge that the horrors of the Holocaust were behind them. Safe behind border walls and protected by a powerful military, Jews in Israel would never again have to watch as children were murdered in front of their parents, and parents in front of their children.
October 7 changed all that – dramatically.
The Hamas-led killing spree of that day brought Hitler’s willing executions through the gates of Israel. Suddenly, nowhere was safe anymore.
I have spent the past week in Israel, researching a film on Israel Defense Force (IDF) soldiers with filmmaker Ricky Schroder and his producer, Julie Trammel.
From the very moment I arrived, the presence of the missing – Israelis ripped from their homes by Hamas terrorists – was everywhere. The broad stairs leading down to immigration at Ben Gurion airport were marked with the faces of the missing – on both sides of the hall. On some of the hundred-plus steps, the poster had been taken down to indicate hostages who had been released after more than fifty days of captivity.
By the time I left five days later, the gaps were bigger, as more returnees came home. But more than 136 remained by the time Hamas broke the temporary truce on December 1.
On Ditzengoff Street, one of the main thoroughfares of Tel Aviv, human-sized white teddy bears were strapped to every park bench, their bodies spattered with dirt and blood. Attached to each was a poster of one of the missing.
In Jerusalem, office buildings were lit up with the Israeli flag and holographic projections of the missing, rotating every few seconds.
During that week, we began to learn more about the horrors the hostages had undergone during their Hamas captivity.
Israel’s first lady, Michal Hertzog, revealed that young women had been so brutally raped that their pelvic bones were broken.
Boys and young men were branded – not with a number, as in the Nazi camps – but marked indelibly with hot motorcycle exhaust pipes, so they would be recognizable in case they managed to escape, as some did.
Children were given food and water intermittently and threatened with weapons if they dared to open their mouths. “When I first saw them returning in the helicopters they looked like shadows, not children,” said Dr. Efrat Harlev, CEO of the Schneider Children’s Center where many of the child returnees are being treated for trauma. “They would ask us if they could open the window, or open the drawer, or take a shower,” still fearful of their Hamas captors. --->READ MORE HERE
Chris McGrath/Getty Images
Hamas terrorists branded Israeli children hostages in case they escaped, relative says:
A family member of two Israeli boys released from Hamas captivity this week said they were branded like cattle, among other abuses, in the weeks they were held in Gaza since Oct. 7, according to a report.
Brothers Yagil Yaakov, 12, and Or Yaakov, 16, were freed Wednesday during a temporary cease-fire that saw the release of approximately 110 hostages. Their uncle said the terrorists branded each boy by using the exhaust pipe of a motorcycle to identify them in case they escaped, the Times of Israel reported.
"They told us stories about what they went through inside Gaza. The stories are horrible," Yaniv Yaakov said in North Macedonia with Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen. "Each child that was taken by Hamas was taken on a motorbike, and they took every child, took his leg and put it on the exhaust of that motorbike, so they have a burn, so they will be marked if they run, if they escape, so [Hamas] can find them."
He added, "They were drugged, they were treated so badly, but at least they are with us."
Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett confirmed the details of the branding on social media platform X, saying, "We now know that Hamas terrorists who held hostage 13-year-old Yagel Yaacov and his brother Or, used a boiling hot motorcycle exhaust to ‘imprint’ a burn on their legs as a way to identify them if they try to escape."
"Let me repeat: They took a boiling piece of metal and pinned it to the legs of a helpless 13-year-old captive child," he added.
When a user pressed him for evidence of the claim, he said he met with the children and saw their scars.
The gruesome account out of Gaza is the latest in a growing list of stories of torture and torment revealed by Israeli children released during the temporary cease-fire and the Israeli hostage-for-Palestinian prisoner exchange. --->READ MORE HERE
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+++++Hamas burned child hostages with motorcycle exhaust pipes to ‘mark’ them, drugged them to keep them complacent: family+++++

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