Friday, July 21, 2023

Since When Did the Pentagon Become a Chapter of Planned Parenthood?; Why a Single Senator is Blocking US Military Promotions and What It Means for the Pentagon, and related stories

Michael A. McCoy/Reuters
Since When Did the Pentagon Become a Chapter of Planned Parenthood?
Tommy Tuberville is right about the military.
No one noticed over the years that, on top of its other supposed benefits, Roe v. Wade was protecting the readiness of the U.S. military.
Yes, in a major war we’d want to make sure we have secure supply lines, overwhelming force — and free and easy access to abortion.
Alabama senator Tommy Tuberville has become Public Enemy No. 1 for blocking all military promotions and nominations over a Pentagon policy that could have been drafted by a committee of Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
The Pentagon is funding abortion tourism for troops in case they find themselves behind enemy lines, i.e. stationed in a state that has significant post-Dobbs restrictions on abortion.
In a June 28, 2022, memorandum the Department of Defense, once headed by the likes of James Forrestal and Cap Weinberger, said the Dobbs decision would have “significant implications” for the “readiness of the Force.”
Note the audacity here: The claim isn’t that Dobbs would have marginal or barely detectable effects on readiness, which would have been dubious enough, but “significant” ones.
The Pentagon then issued another memorandum saying that Dobbs has “readiness, recruiting, and retention implications for the Force.” --->READ MORE HERE
AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib, File
Why a single senator is blocking US military promotions and what it means for the Pentagon:
Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville is waging an unprecedented campaign to try to change Pentagon abortion policy by holding up hundreds of military nominations and promotions, forcing less experienced leaders into top jobs and raising concerns at the Pentagon about military readiness.
Senators in both parties - including Republican Leader Mitch McConnell - have pushed back on Tuberville’s blockade, but Tuberville is dug in. He says he won’t drop the holds unless Democrats allow a vote on the policy.
For now, the fight is at a stalemate. Democrats say a vote on every nominee could tie up the Senate floor for months. And they don’t want to give in to Tuberville’s demands and encourage similar blockades of nominees in the future.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has said that holding up the promotion of military leaders, most of whom have dedicated their lives to protecting the country, “is one of the most abominable and outrageous things I have ever seen in this chamber, witnessed by the fact that no one has ever had the temerity, the gall to do this before.”
Here’s what to know about the clash over Pentagon policy.
Approving military nominations and promotions has long been one of the most bipartisan duties of the Senate. But the Alabama Republican shattered that norm with his blanket hold, which the Pentagon says has already stalled more than 260 nominations of senior officers and could balloon to 650 by the end of the year.
Tuberville, a former college football coach who has closely aligned himself with former President Donald Trump since he was elected in 2020, has showed few signs of letting up. --->READ MORE HERE
Follow links below to related stories:

Pentagon takes dig at Sen. Tommy Tuberville for holding up over 250 military promotions — including next Marine commandant

In defense of Tommy Tuberville’s hold over Pentagon abortion policy

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