Friday, July 21, 2023

If You Were A Sheep During Covid, Admit You Were Wrong And Do Better Next Time; NY Times Reports Coronavirus Deaths Overcounted by 30% … on Paragraph 17, and other C-Virus related stories

FDRLST / Canva
If You Were A Sheep During Covid, Admit You Were Wrong And Do Better Next Time:
Those who were Covid cowards need to stand up against tyranny in the future. It’s the least they can do.
If you were one of those people who always diligently wore an ineffective mask, got the experimental vaccine and boosters, or performatively practiced social distancing, you really owe an apology to those who stood up for civil liberties during Covid and must commit to being smarter and braver in the future.
The Covid years mark what was arguably the greatest encroachment on personal freedom and bodily autonomy in the history of our country. The government decimated the American economy by forcibly closing businesses. It enacted unethical and anti-science mask mandates and government employee vaccine mandates, even though the Covid shots do not prevent people from spreading or contracting the virus.
Many counties and cities made life for the unvaccinated as uncomfortable as possible, with some prohibiting them from dining in restaurants and going to the gym or entertainment venues. Meanwhile, private businesses and schools had their own social distancing, vaccine, and mask requirements, with even many churches bending the knee.
It was at least somewhat reasonable to wear a mask or social distance at the very beginning of Covid because there were so many unknowns about the virus. Yet the insanity lasted for years, well after it was clear the response to the virus was causing more harm than good and studies showed the lockdowns were futile, cloth masks were not effective, and the vaccine was causing serious injuries.
To avoid judgment, go out to dinner, and even keep their jobs, a disturbing number of Americans were compliant with the Covid nonsense. A smaller number of people, however, resisted. They allowed themselves to be fired or expelled to avoid the vaccine mandates. They forwent indoor dining and entertainment, and they walked through the airport with uncovered faces as dystopian loud speakers repeated over and over, “Federal law requires you to wear a mask covering your nose and mouth at all times.”
Covid had only the power we the people gave it. Had enough Americans refused to shutter their businesses and comply with vaccine and mask mandates, the performative fear would have ceased to control us. --->READ MORE HERE
ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images
Nolte: NY Times Reports Coronavirus Deaths Overcounted by 30% … on Paragraph 17
The far-left New York Times quietly admitted this week that deaths from the coronavirus were overcounted by 30 percent.
Gee, another “right-wing conspiracy theory” is proven true…
The Times’ dishonesty is on full display even in the reporting of this breathtaking news.
Does this amazing revelation earn its own headline? Nope.
Does this amazing revelation sit at the top of the story? Nope.
Here’s how the propagandists at the Times bury the truth:
Headline: “A Positive Covid Milestone.”
Sub-headline: “In a sign that the pandemic really is over, the total number of Americans dying each day is no longer historically abnormal.”
And it is only after reading some 17 paragraphs where you will finally find the buried truth…
The official number is probably an exaggeration because it includes some people who had virus when they died even though it was not the underlying cause of death. Other C.D.C. data suggests that almost one-third of official recent Covid deaths have fallen into this category. A study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases came to similar conclusions.
We shut down the country, we closed schools, we bankrupted people, we bankrupted small businesses, we destroyed our economy, we transferred enormous wealth to the top one percent… All based on data that was off by a full third. --->READ MORE HERE
Follow links below to relevant/related stories and resources:

Buildings still vacant due to COVID-19 pandemic

Maine moves to drop COVID-19 vaccine requirement for health care workers

USA TODAY: Coronavirus Updates

WSJ: Coronavirus Live Updates

YAHOO NEWS: Coronavirus Live Updates

NEW YORK POST: Coronavirus The Latest

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