Saturday, June 17, 2023

‘Generation COVID’ Attention Spans are ‘shorter than ever’ Thanks to TikTok; The Great COVID Death Coverup, and other C-Virus related stories

‘Generation COVID’ attention spans are ‘shorter than ever’ thanks to TikTok:
Thanks to the proliferation of screen time during the pandemic, the kids of “Generation COVID” have limited attention spans.
A survey of more than 500 school teachers in England revealed the devastating effects that social media platforms had on their impressionable students, claiming “pupil inattention” has significantly worsened since the onset of the pandemic.
The instructors lamented the “needless chatter, shouting and laughing inappropriately” that occurs in their classrooms, reporting that “bored” students move around the room or provoke their peers during class.
Instructors are pointing fingers at platforms like TikTok, which skyrocketed in popularity during COVID lockdowns and is used by an estimated 67% of teens.
In fact, 85% of teachers surveyed are blaming kids’ unruly behavior on the uptick in social media usage and the “ever-swiping nature of social media,” according to the Guardian.
The new survey, which was conducted by Kapow Primary between April and May this year, inquired about students’ behavior changes between pre-pandemic and now.
A startling 84% of teachers said their students’ attention span is “shorter than ever,” forcing educators to spend less than 10 minutes on any given subject just to hold the kids’ interest.
Nearly two-thirds of respondents also reported an increase in daydreaming or inattention from their pupils. --->READ MORE HERE
The Great COVID Death Coverup:
Story at-a-glance
  • Within weeks of the pandemic outbreak, it had become apparent that the standard practice of putting COVID-19 patients on mechanical ventilation was a death sentence; 76.4% of COVID-19 patients (aged 18 to 65) in New York City who were placed on ventilators died. Among patients over age 65 who were vented, the mortality rate was 97.2% 
  • The recommendation to place COVID patients on mechanical ventilation as a first-line response came from the World Health Organization, which allegedly based its guidance on experiences and recommendations from doctors in China. But venting COVID patients wasn’t recommended because it increased survival. It was to protect health care workers by isolating the virus inside the vent machine 
  • Data suggest around 10,000 patients died with COVID in NYC hospitals after being put on ventilators in spring 2020. Other metropolitan areas also saw massive spikes in deaths among younger individuals who were at low risk of dying from COVID. It’s possible many of these deaths were the result of being placed on mechanical ventilation 
  • The WHO must be held accountable for its unethical recommendation to sacrifice suspected COVID patients by using ventilation as an infection mitigation strategy — especially considering they’re now trying to get unilateral power and authority to make pandemic decisions without local input 
  • Showing how the WHO’s recommendation to put patients on mechanical ventilation resulted in needless death among people who weren’t at great risk of dying from COVID is perhaps one of the most powerful talking points a country can use to argue for independence and rejection of the WHO’s pandemic treaty
Follow links below to relevant/related stories and resources:

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He Covered Up Cuomo’s Nursing Home Deaths, Now He’s a CDC Deputy Director

USA TODAY: Coronavirus Updates

WSJ: Coronavirus Live Updates

YAHOO NEWS: Coronavirus Live Updates

NEW YORK POST: Coronavirus The Latest

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