Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Scientific Case Against Masks; Masking School Children is Abuse: No Scientific Studies Support the CDC Guidance, and other C-Virus related stories

Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times
The scientific case against masks:
This past week, Arnold Schwarzenegger took to Instagram to tell all Americans who are getting a bit antsy about the overreach of their government that we are foolish science-denying rubes who are selfishly focused on that inconsequential thing we call human liberty. His exact quote was: “I think people need to be reminded over and over that the experts are saying you have to wear masks… [For those of you shouting] ‘My freedom is being disturbed….’ Screw your freedom.”
Well, maybe we should do exactly what the Terminator implies and attend to what the real scientists have to say about all this. In other words, rather than spouting off on Instagram, let’s look at the longitudinal data presently available and ask some good questions. Questions like, Is there anything that demonstrates wearing masks is an efficacious strategy for mitigating the spread of Covid19? Is there any statistical proof that validates Mr. Schwarzenegger’s scold? Is he right in telling us to “screw our freedom” and, thereby, don a porous piece of paper or cloth to prove we are a science-believing and virtuous people?
Interestingly, when you take the time to read a bit, you quickly discover that this mask-shaming from America’s intelligentsia is – well, how should say this scientifically? – Stupid.
Cultural commentator, Allie Beth Stuckey, has done us all a favor in providing the following compilation of pertinent research and science-based information concerning the question of masks. --->READ MORE HERE
Joe Cavaretta/South Florida Sun-Sentinel via AP
Masking School Children is Abuse:
No scientific studies support the CDC guidance
When it comes to imposing mask mandates – especially for school children – Democrats simply don’t get it. If President Joe Biden and his cronies don’t pay more attention to parents and the health care professionals who care for their children, they’re going to set themselves up for an even worse shellacking than the one they suffered in 2010, when they lost 63 seats in the House of Representatives and brought an end to their short-lived era of one-party rule.
Mr. Biden said last week his administration is “checking” to see whether or not he has the legal authority to order a nationwide mask mandate for school children. “I don’t believe I do [have that power], thus far,” he told reporters at the White House on Tuesday. “We’re checking that.”
That sounds suspiciously similar to what he said two weeks ago regarding the CDC-promulgated eviction moratorium – right before his administration had the CDC issue a “new” eviction moratorium.
But what’s a Supreme Court ruling when you’re a radical Democrat convinced you know best? Certainly, nothing to worry about, at least not enough to prevent you from doing something you don’t believe you have the legal authority to do. After all, to paraphrase (a most likely apocryphal quote) from Joseph Stalin, how many divisions does John Roberts have at his disposal? --->READ MORE HERE
Follow links below to related stories and resources:
Is It Abusive to Mask School Children?

The 5 ways your nails may reveal if you’ve had COVID

USA TODAY: Coronavirus Updates

WSJ: Coronavirus Live Updates

YAHOO NEWS: Coronavirus Live Updates

NEW YORK POST: Coronavirus The Latest

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