Saturday, April 10, 2021

Americans Last: New York Will Pay Illegals Up to $15,600 Each; YouTube’s Assault on Covid Accountability, and other C-Virus Updates

Americans Last: New York Will Pay Illegals Up to $15,600 Each:
n New York state, which has seen no small amount of economic struggles since COVID-19 lockdowns began, the government in Albany is about to start paying illegal immigrants up to $15,600 each in pandemic relief.
According to The New York Times, the state’s Democrats have passed a bill that would set aside a staggering $2.1 billion for illegal immigrants who work in the state and lost money due to COVID, providing up to 290,000 individuals with checks.
The payments were a sticking point in the state’s $212 billion budget, which raised taxes on New Yorkers earning over $1 million in an effort to pay for a budget that was 10 percent bigger than last year’s.
The tax hikes were the headline-grabbing part of the budget, making New York’s wealthy the most heavily taxed in the nation. Considering that roughly half the state’s income tax comes from the top 2 percent of its wealthiest residents, The Times noted, that raised questions as to how many of them would be staying there — particularly given America’s newly mobile economy. --->READ MORE HERE
Photo: lucy nicholson/Reuters 
WSJ: YouTube’s Assault on Covid Accountability:
The company scrubs a video of Florida Gov. DeSantis’s policy roundtable with physicians and scientists.
To hold elected representatives responsible for decisions they make, Americans need to know what those officials and their advisers are saying. That’s an essential democratic principle, and it’s as true for coronavirus response as any other policy challenge. So it’s chilling that Google’s YouTube, through its “medical misinformation policy,” appears to be systematically undermining the ability to access material in the public interest.
Last September, YouTube scrubbed a Hoover Institution interview with Scott Atlas, then one of President Trump’s coronavirus advisers. In January it censored a U.S. Senate committee hearing on unapproved coronavirus treatments. Now it has taken down a video of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis holding a policy discussion with Dr. Atlas and the three creators of the Great Barrington Declaration, a group of physicians and scientists critical of strict lockdowns to fight the coronavirus.
In the hour-and-forty-five minute video, Mr. DeSantis and the four panelists lambaste the U.S. coronavirus response as excessively draconian and ineffective. They emphasize unintended public-health harms from lockdowns and school closures, criticize mask mandates and generally celebrate Florida’s response.
The video was shared in a story from a Tampa Bay, Fla., news station, and its removal from YouTube was first flagged by the American Institute for Economic Research. YouTube told us Thursday in a statement that it removed the video “because it included content that contradicts the consensus of local and global health authorities regarding the efficacy of masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19.” --->READ MORE HERE
Follow links below to related stories and resources:

California’s Failed Response To COVID

Free stuff, discounts your COVID vaccine card can get you

USA TODAY: Coronavirus Updates

WSJ: Coronavirus Live Updates

YAHOO NEWS: Coronavirus Live Updates

NEW YORK POST: Coronavirus The Latest

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