Friday, December 18, 2020

DO IT: Pres Trump urged to send Paris climate plan to Senate for ratification to block Biden; Send the Paris Climate Treaty to the Senate

AP Photo/Lewis Joly
Trump urged to send Paris climate plan to Senate for ratification to block Biden:
Biden reiterates vow to rejoin climate agreement 'on day one'
Presumptive President-elect Joseph R. Biden reiterated his vow Saturday to reenter the Paris climate agreement on the first day of his administration, but that could become a problem if the accord’s foes can ferry it to the Senate first.
Conservatives behind the scenes are seeking to foil his plans by persuading President Trump to transmit the 2015 agreement to the Senate for ratification, thus treating the accord as Republicans say it should have been handled all along: as a treaty.
“This preserves President Trump’s legacy, and this also puts a huge obstacle in the way of Biden’s agenda,” said Myron Ebell, director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the free-market Competitive Enterprise Institute, which has opposed the accord.
The Paris agreement — or, as Mr. Ebell calls it, the “Paris climate treaty” — was accepted by President Obama via executive order in September 2016 over the objections of Republicans, who argued that the agreement was a treaty, which would require a two-thirds Senate vote to ratify, which would not happen.
The Paris agreement — or, as Mr. Ebell calls it, the “Paris climate treaty” — was accepted by President Obama via executive order in September 2016 over the objections of Republicans, who argued that the agreement was a treaty, which would require a two-thirds Senate vote to ratify, which would not happen. --->READ MORE HERE
Send the Paris Climate Treaty to the Senate
The most far-reaching international agreement ever must get Senate advice, consent and vote
Article II, Section 2 of the US Constitution is simple and direct: “The President … shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur.” It served America well for 225 years.
Then, in 2015, the UN’s “international community” of climate activists gathered in Paris to hammer out language requiring that developed nations slash their fossil fuel use, tighten greenhouse gas emission targets every five years, and become “carbon neutral” within a few decades – to prevent a manmade climate chaos forecast by computer models but not supported by Earth history or real-world evidence.
Developing countries would be under no such obligations. Most incredibly, economic, military and tech powerhouse China was included among the developing countries, and thus is under no such obligations.
In short, the Paris accords would force the United States to engage in a massive, painful transformation of its entire economy – electricity generation, transportation, manufacturing, agriculture and much more – under the aegis of the United Nations and UN and foreign country activists, politicians and bureaucrats.
Aside from ending major wars, what was concocted in Paris is probably the most far-reaching, impactful agreement this country was ever asked to sign. It is the very embodiment of what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote the language requiring Senate debate, advice and consent for all treaties. --->READ THE REST HERE

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