Sunday, May 24, 2020

A Deplorable Moment for Every Black American in This Country

Jerome Hudson/Biden for President
Joe Biden saying, “You ain’t black” if you’re on the fence about voting for him over President Donald Trump is beyond insulting. Am I insulted? Hell yes. Am I surprised? Hell no.
I’ve been called a coon “with bad African blood” because my skin is black, and I’ve never, nor would I ever, vote for a Democrat. And why the hell would I? The Democratic Party was founded in the 1820s in part to preserve chattel slavery in America. After the Civil War, pro-slavery zealots in the Democratic Party became pro-segregation barbarians who brutalized, terrorized, and lynched those of my parents and grandparents’ generation if they even thought about voting for a Republican.
Today, there’s no shortage of Democrats who oppose school choice, despite the fact that school choice measures have been beneficial to and, thus, widely supported by black and Hispanic parents in states such as Alabama, Louisiana, New Jersey, and Tennessee. Today, the line of pro-abortion Democrats could stretch from the earth to the moon and back, despite the fact that in some cases, more black babies are aborted in one year than are born alive. Those same pro-abortion Democrats shriek, endlessly, about how black lives matter, but are silent when hundreds of thousands of black lives are ended in the womb. Today, there are Democratic governors such as Gavin Newsom in California and Andrew Cuomo in New York who work tirelessly to disarm black gun owners in their respective states while simultaneously letting criminals free from prison in response to the Chinese coronavirus.
Joe Biden to Obama: "This is a Big Fucking deal"
As far as the Democratic Party has historically been concerned, black people are property or political props. Meanwhile, President Trump celebrated record low black unemployment in January on Martin Luther King, Jr. day. Trump has also allocated more money to historically black colleges and universities than any other president in U.S. history.
Biden spokeswoman Symone Sanders said the former vice president’s remarks were made “in jest.” Biden later admitted he made a mistake, saying, “I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy.” After saying it, Biden’s smile looked about as forced and fake as the dentures it revealed. But if Joe Biden questioning the blackness of America’s roughly 17 million black voters was said “in jest,” then why would a Biden spokesperson need to tell us it was a joke? The Internet sure doesn’t think it’s funny. Responses range from rage to disgust.
Read the rest from Jerome Hudson HERE.

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