Thursday, July 18, 2019

19 of 22 indicted for ultra-violent MS-13 murders are illegal aliens from Central America

Oscar Rivera/AFP/Getty Images
When James Madison said the jobs of the federal government were “few and defined,” applied “principally on external objects,” he was referring to exactly what has been brought into California from Central America. Yesterday, in what should be the biggest new story of the day, California and federal law enforcement wrapped up an MS-13 task force investigation, completing the indictment of 22 MS-13 members from a particularly brutal cell responsible for numerous gruesome murders. The operation began last year with the arrest of 18 members of MS-13’s “Fulton clique,” culminating with the arrest of the final four in recent days, according to the 78-page indictment.
Some of the 22 were charged with killing four people in the Angeles National Forest, one in the Malibu hills, and a homeless man in North Hollywood over the past two years. The victims were beaten to death in the worst way imaginable by a gang culture we have now imported with illegal immigration. According to the U.S. attorney’s office, 19 of the 22 members came here illegally over the past few years from El Salvador and Honduras.
Thus, when you see “children” at the border being resettled into this country, just remember that a large number of them are gang members or vulnerable to joining violent gangs. As U.S. attorney Nick Hanna is quoted in the Los Angeles Times, “We’re seeing an influx of younger gang members coming into the area associating themselves with the Fulton clique who are extremely violent, who have to commit murders to join the clique.”
Claude Arnold, who once ran the Los Angeles field office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), was quoted as saying, “These are newer entrants, so they’re making their bones with the gang, it’s just how it is. They want to make a name for themselves, and those are the people who are generally the most violent members of street gangs.”
LINK: An ultra-violent MS-13 gang entered the U.S., 
then stalked L.A. with blades and bats
According to the indictment, these people were “required to kill an MS-13 rival or someone perceived to be adverse to MS-13 to be initiated into MS-13.”
Remember when now-acting Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Mark Morgan said that when he looked at many of these Central American teens when touring detention facilities as Border Patrol Chief, he saw future gang members? He made those comments to CR first in March and then in testimony before the Senate Homeland Security Committee in April. The media went crazy over them, calling him a racist. But he’s correct. Indeed, as Thomas Homan said, “a gang operation in NY last year entitled Operation Matador, which targeted MS-13 gang members, showed that approximately 40 percent of those arrested illegally entered the U.S. as part of a family unit or as a UAC. Many that entered the U.S. were already gang members or soon became gang members after arriving in the U.S.”
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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