Friday, May 10, 2019

Will Open Borders Welcome Ebola Epidemic into America?

An unfortunate side-effect of unrestricted borders is the entrance of Third World diseases that can then spread throughout the unprotected American public.
One such is Ebola, a mainly African disease that appeared in the US a few years ago when Ebola Tom traveled here from Liberia to get free First World medical care.
Now Ebola is back, and Africans are coming here, along with everyone else on earth who has heard about America’s worsened laxity. I reported the other day about an apparently healthy Cameroonian man who had gotten as far as southern Mexico on his way here. There’s 1.3 billion more on the continent he came from, so don’t think only Hondurans are coming.
Tucker Carlson discussed the topic last week with Fox’s explainer doctor, Marc Siegel, who focused on the medical implications.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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