Tuesday, April 23, 2019

House Republicans Leave Border Tour Shocked To Learn Immigrant Children Being Recycled By Smugglers

Congressional Republicans who toured part of the southern border this week saw firsthand the number of families and children arriving.
But the House lawmakers were shocked at the idea that smugglers recycle children across the border.
“I think the entire delegation was shocked,” said Luke Ball, press secretary for Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla.
The Washington Examiner was riding along with Reps. John Joyce of Pennsylvania, Pete Stauber of Minnesota, Dusty Johnson of South Dakota, Andy Biggs of Arizona, and Gaetz Tuesday night when officials leading the tour pointed to a group of more than 40 people who had just crossed through the Colorado River south of the Morelos Dam and surrendered to Border Patrol agents less than a quarter-mile into the U.S.
“Right now, they’re getting their biographical information: name, first name, last name, date of birth, nationality. Right now, they may ask them where they’re going — how many people, if it was a family unit, were they by themselves, were they minors?” an agent, who spoke on background, told the group of lawmakers.
“Every one has a kid, at least one. Every one has a kid,” one congressman reacted at the scene.
A Border Patrol agent speaking to lawmakers said agents in the Yuma sector, which has seen the third-highest family apprehensions of all nine sectors this year, said some children are being sent back to Central America after making it to the U.S. The agent said children are being “rented out.”
“They know that’s their ticket in,” one lawmaker said.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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