Monday, February 18, 2019

President Donald Trump Will Likely Veto Congressional Disapproval of National Emergency Declaration

President Donald Trump could issue the first veto of his administration if lawmakers propose a resolution to disapprove his national emergency declaration to build a barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border.
During an appearance on Fox News Sunday, Stephen Miller, a senior adviser in the White House, said the president “is going to protect his national emergency declaration.”
Miller was asked whether or not the president would veto any Congressional disapproval. And he said it was “guaranteed” after repeating himself.
Elected officials, one state’s attorney general and some civil groups have vowed to block the president’s call for a national emergency, whether through legal action or issuing resolutions of disapproval.
The president first threatened last year to use his power under the National Emergencies Act to call a national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border. At the time, it looked like the government could go into a partial shutdown if Congress didn’t fund his $5.7 billion proposed border wall. Though he didn’t use that power, the government shut down for a record 35 days.
When a spending bill signed last week provided only about a quarter of wall funding, the president signed the spending bill and then issued a national emergency, circumventing Congress to pay for the wall.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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