Puerto Rico Is Devastated...Here Are Some Ways To Help
By: Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on American Political Radio

As torrential rains continue to pelt Puerto Rico...rains leading to flash flood emergency warnings....the island of 3.4 million people remains shrouded in darkness as electricity remains out...and will so for many weeks and months to come.
And as Puerto Rico's Gov. Ricardo Rossello urges people to have faith saying, "We are stronger than any hurricane. Together, we will rebuild" ...he has asked President Donald Trump to declare the island a disaster zone, a step that would open the way to desperately needed federal aid.
Many groups have started organizing donations to be sent to the island but what they need most at this time is generators and water. I ask that Lowes and Home Depot please send any and all generators you have in stock over to Puerto Rico now. They are also in desperate need of water so I ask all bottled water companies to please send stocks over there as well. Food stocks are also needed as all refrigerated items are now no longer safe to use. I ask Publix, Winn-Dixie, Albertsons... Florida's main grocery stores...as we are the closest to the island...to please send what you can over there now. To the pharmaceutical companies...please send any and all drugs you can, especially insulin for diabetics as most supplies perished in the storm, and those that remain are unusable as most insulin needs refrigeration which is obviously not possible at this point in time..
Here are but a few ways those wishing to help can do so:
Fundraising websites such as GoFundMe and Fundly have several active campaigns to help victims of the storm across the Caribbean.
The American Red Cross is mobilizing volunteers in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The organization is also asking for blood donors.
The Puerto Rican Leadership Council of South Florida is gathering donations and plans to send water, nonperishable food, diapers, clothes and medical supplies after the hurricane hits, according to Luis De Rosa, president of the local Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce.
GlobalGiving at https://www.globalgiving.org is a 501 non-profit organization based in the United States that provides a global crowdfunding platform for grassroots charitable projects.
Unidos Por Puerto Rico: First lady of Puerto Rico, Beatriz Rosselló, joined forces with local businesses to create this aid fund for survivors of Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria.
Unicef: This United Nations fund helps children affected by disaster, and donations go toward everything from clean water to school supplies.
Save the Children will lead relief efforts for families and children impacted by the hurricane in the region.
Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief Fund: This fund is a group effort between a coalition of Los Angeles–based Puerto Rican groups, including Puerto Ricans in Action, The Ricans Food, I Am HomeMade, and El Floridita. This campaign has already found two local nonprofits to contribute to as they rebuild two towns on the island.
America’s Charities Disaster Recovery Fund – Hurricane Maria is a charity crowdfunding site that is attempting to raise $2 million to be used exclusively for local relief and recovery efforts. You can give here. (4/4 stars from Charity Navigator)
ConPRmetidos: The Puerto Rican organization focused on public-private partnership is aiming to raise $150,000 for relief and recovery. You can give here.
Oxfam: The nonprofit is focusing its efforts on the Caribbean islands that were devastated by Irma and Maria. You can give here. (3/4 stars from Charity Navigator.)
All Hands: This nonprofit was recommended to Vox by disasterologist Samantha Montano. You can give here. (4/4 stars from Charity Navigator.)
Salvation Army: The Christian charity is emphasizing its intentions to help with long-term recovery. You can give here.
Americares: The nonprofit focused on medicine and health is seeking to provide emergency medical supplies and other basic resources to first responders and others. You can give here. (4/4 stars from Charity Navigator.)
Check out Charity Navigator’s Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria pages if you’d like to see more options.
Like I said above, Puerto Rico is part of America and we Americans must help each other out. "America and Americans First" as President Trump so rightfully said, but lets not forget those hurting throughout the Caribbean first due to Irma and now due to Maria, and also those affected by yesterday's earthquake in Mexico. Americans always rise to help those in need...lets keep doing so now.
Copyright @ 2017 Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / All Rights Reserved
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