Monday, May 1, 2017

Good Trump: Trump Opens Offshore Oil Exploration

On Friday, President Trump signed an executive order (EO), known as the "America-First Offshore Energy Strategy," that would potentially lift the restrictions on offshore drilling that were put in place by former-President Obama following the Deepwater Horizon disaster.
According to NPR:
The order directs Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to review a five-year plan in which President Obama banned drilling in parts of the Pacific, Arctic, and Atlantic Oceans. Zinke told reporters Thursday night that will be a long process, and a complex one, acknowledging that not all areas have oil or gas, and not all coastal communities want offshore drilling.
Reuters adds:
In addition to requiring a new five-year drilling plan, the order reverses Obama's decision to place certain parts of the Arctic permanently off limits to drilling.
Read the full story HERE and view links to related stories below:

Trump Sneaks In A Shot At The Media While Signing Arctic Drilling EO [VIDEO]

Offshore Energy Announcement A Win for America

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